2023-2024 Year in Review: Alumni engagement and impact

Through the exceptional work of its elected executive board, FIFSW’s Alumni Association contributes to the education and support of FIFSW students while also providing lifelong learning and networking opportunities for FIFSW graduates. The Faculty is incredibly fortunate to have such an engaged, active and dedicated alumni community.
FIFSW is also incredibly grateful for the generosity of alumni and friends of the faculty who support our students and research as donors. These contributions have helped make our programs more accessible, increase belonging, and advance evidence-based practice.
Read about FIFSW alumni events, programs, accomplishments and giving in the 2023-2024 academic year.
Alumni events
Alumni Association events: By the numbers
- 11 Alumni hosted events
- 987 Alumni participants
- 277 Newly engaged alumni
- 36 Alumni participated in the Alumni Mentorship Program
This year’s monthly events included:
- An FIFSW Reading Club with Dr. Angela Haeny
- Lectures on: Truth and Reconciliation (with Suzy Goodleaf); the First Nations/Canadian Incidence Study (with Dr. Barbara Fallon, Dr. Jeffrey Schiffer and Tara Petti); and Dialectical Behavior Therapy (with Laval Martin)
- Workshops with Amma Gyamfowa on healing through Africentric Care
FIFSW Alumni Association Distinguished Speaker Series
The 2024 featured speaker, Senator Wanda Thomas Bernard spoke to a full audience in Hart House’s Music Room. Citing lessons from the field, Dr. Bernard highlighted how Africentric social work in Canada has moved from the margins to the centre to create opportunities for systemic change and empowering pathways for Black families and children. The marquee event took place during the University of Toronto’s Alumni Reunion Week.
Miss an event? Watch (or rewatch) a 2023-2024 public lecture on FIFSW’s YouTube channel.
Celebrating new graduates
FIFSW’s Alumni Association hosted the Faculty’s Fall convocation reception at U of T’s Faculty Club and its Spring convocation reception at the Daniels Building. At each event, Alumni Association President Andria Allen welcomed the new graduates to FIFSW’s esteemed alumni community and encouraged them to stay connected and get involved.
Alumni mentorship
FIFSW’s Alumni Mentorship Program connects graduating MSW students with FIFSW alumni for support, guidance and networking opportunities as the students prepare to transition into the profession. This year 36 alumni and 36 students were matched in mentorship relationships.
The 2024 kick-off event for the program included speed networking where mentees shared “elevator pitches” to practice introducing themselves to those in their social work community, and storytelling circles where participants were invited to share answers to questions about their learning and advice they have given or received. Mentors provided mentees with insight into the job application process, advice on resumes and cover letters, guidance around interviews, and tips on their online presence.
This year’s Mentorship Program took advantage of the new FIFSW Connect platform to facilitate online discussions and matching.
*FIFSW Connect is a private online social hub for discussion and information sharing between students, alumni, staff and faculty. Not yet a member of FIFSW Connect? Sign up here.
Beyond the Degree…A Social Work Panel and Q&A
To support students who were unable to participate in the formal mentorship program but wanted other ways to connect with alumni, the Faculty, the GSA and the Alumni Association partnered to organize an online panel discussion and Q&A featuring 4 alumni. Students were invited to submit questions in advance.
“In social work, networking helps you gain an understanding of the services out there. When you’re collaborating with your colleagues and community partners, you are better able to support your clients, but equally, you build a community of networks that can be leveraged for future career success.” — Michelle English (MSW 2015)
Did you know?
The U of T Hub on Ten Thousand Coffees is a is a free, online networking tool for the entire U of T community. More than 12,000 alumni professionals and students use the hub to give and get career advice and attend Alumni Career Series webinars. Join the hub to build your network, find like-minded alumni and students, and exchange career advice, anytime, anywhere. Learn how Ten Thousand Coffee hub works and sign up here.
Spotlight on FIFSW alumni
Read about our alumni’s impact in practice and research.
Rosemary Sadlier
Advancing Black history and heritage
Emily Chan
Helping children with disabilities regain their full independence
Joelleann Forbes
Leading culturally attuned care
Amina Hussain and Mishal Javed
Building knowledge on the social service needs of Ontario’s Muslim communities
Kasia Seydegart
Expanding access to palliative care
Sydney Gilchrist
Supporting trans and gender diverse communities
Michelle English
Arbor Awards
The University of Toronto’s Arbor Awards recognize exceptional and longstanding volunteer service. Congratulations to FIFSW’s 2023 recipients: Michael Blugerman and Amanda Knoepfli!
A field instructor since 2013, Michael Blugerman has supervised 14 MSW students from FIFSW. Throughout the practicum, he shares his expertise in many aspects of adoption work including preparing and counselling parents and supervising adoption placements. He has also volunteered his time, contributing knowledge and expertise in a seminar provided to FIFSW students, staff and field instructors.
Amanda Knoepfli has provided high caliber field education at Sprint Senior Care to seven MSW students since 2017. Through her volunteer service, Master of Social Work students have developed the skills to help seniors stay, safe, connected and live as independently as possible. The practicum has also helped students develop competencies in preventing premature or inappropriate institutionalization.
Law and social work networking event
The Combined Law and Master of Social Work (JD/MSW) Program held a networking event on February 5 designed to support and promote the intersections of law and social work. The event brought together graduates of the JD/MSW Combined Program, along with other alumni, past chairs, current students, and friends of the program for an evening of networking, updates, and celebration. One of the event’s highlights was the keynote address delivered by alumna Justice Andrea Himel, Superior Court of Justice (Family Branch) (JD/MSW 1998). Justice Himel, an influential figure in the field, shared insights from her career and the importance of combining legal and social work training in making a difference in the lives of individuals and families.
Championing student success
FIFSW’s generous donors make a significant difference in the lives of our students and support leading research rooted in social justice and advancing policy and practice across the globe. In the 2023-2024 academic year 232 students benefited from donor-funded awards.
Donor support benefits students, like Sabrina Williams, who, after graduating from FIFSW’s Master of Social Work-Indigenous Trauma and Resiliency (ITR) program in Fall 2023, started a position as a Counsellor in the trauma recovery program at Tswo-Tun Lum Society (Helping House). Dedicated to preparing advanced social work professionals to work with individuals, families and communities who have been affected by historical and generational trauma, the ITR field of study receives generous support from the Fu Hui Education Foundation.
“Bridging the river between evidence-based practice and Indigenous wisdom, our unique program has prepared graduates to work for and with individuals, families and communities that have been affected by historical and intergenerational trauma, with a focus on healing and resiliency. This work is needed now more than ever, and Fu Hui has been an incredible partner in supporting our students.” — Jane Middleton Moz, Associate Professor, FIFSW and Director of the Middelton-Moz Insitute
Newly established awards
Mary A. Wright Award
Established in 2023 by sisters Janice, Elaine, and Sheryl Wright in honour of their mother, the Mary A. Wright Award is an entrance scholarship for an incoming Master of Social Work student at FIFSW. This award is distributed on the basis of financial need, with preference given to Black and Indigenous students. Learn how the Mary A. Wright Award is supporting students
“If we can help a little through this award, the recipients will go on to give back so much more to the community.” — Janice Wright, daughter of Dr. Mary A. Wright
“Having that financial burden lifted encourages me to really put my best foot forward. It allows me to just excel.” — Favour Aina, MSW student and recipient of the Mary A. Wright Award
Seydegart-Spears Fellowships in Palliative Care for People who are Dying in hospice, in the home or on the street
Created to spark new thinking and expand access to palliative and hospice care, new fellowships established by alumna Kasia Seydegart are awarded annually on the basis of academic merit to two students who are working towards the advancement of social work practice and research in palliative or hospice care, particularly for those in marginalized groups such as refugees or homeless persons.
“Death can be a highlight of life if it’s treated with respect and kindness. I hope these awards will stimulate thoughtful and creative approaches to palliative care, including for those people who are at the margins.” — Kasia Seydegart
U of T Giving Day
We’d like to extend our gratitude to Michelle English (MSW 2015) who joined us as an FIFSW Ambassador for U of T Giving Day 2024. With help from our generous alumni community, Michelle raised $2500, including matching funds, towards two scholarships for Black Master of Social Work students: the Dr. Daniel G. Hill Sr. Scholarship and the Beverly & Emerson Mascool Graduate Scholarship. Thank you to everyone who participated in this year’s campaign!
Together we can build a better world. Help us empower individuals and communities and strengthen health and well-being worldwide. Visit FIFSW’s donation page o
Welcoming newly elected members the Alumni Association Executive
This spring, FIFSW’s Alumni Association welcomed new and returning members to its board of directors. We’d like to acknowledge and express our thanks for the dedication shown by its members. They include:
President: Andria Allen
First Vice President: Priyanka Sahajpal
Second Vice President: Phylicia Crichlow
Treasurer: Erica Appleton-Forbes
Secretary: Terese Weisberg
Past President: Judy Newman
Members at Large: Matthew Regan, Julia Falzarano, Everdene Francis-McIntosh, Rachel Wilson
Committee & Sub-Committee Chairs: Matthew Regan (Constitution Review & Governance), Gajathree Ananthathurai (Communications and Outreach Co-ordinator), Andrea Allen (Nominations). [A position as chair of Knowledge Transfer is to be filled.]
Representatives on Faculty Committees: Terese Weisberg (College of Alumni Electors), Pam Weir (Faculty Council Rep); Michelle English (Mentorship Program and Practicum Advisory Committee), Merva Hutchinson (MSW Studies Committee), Andria Allen (Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee). [A representative for the PhD Studies Committee is to be confirmed]
Ex-Officio Members: Dean Charmaine Williams, Graduate Student Association Representative Fatima Formuli. [An additional GSA Representative will be named.]
Lessons Learned From Holocaust Survivors, with Dr. Paula David
Presented on October 19, the 2023 Janis Rotman Distinguished Lecture Series on Mental Wellness featured a keynote lecture by Dr. Paula David, who shared insights from her long career working with aging Holocaust Survivors, their families and survivors of genocide. Her presentation explored how our understanding of intergenerational trauma, post-traumatic stress disorders and care for survivors of extreme trauma has evolved and discussed the effects of antisemitism both past and present.
Watch Lessons Learned From Holocaust Survivors, with Dr. Paula David on FIFSW’s YouTube channel.