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Resolution of Problems

A successful practicum can be facilitated with thorough preparation, fulsome orientation, well-planned structure, communication of expectations, and ongoing feedback. Early recognition of challenges and feedback regarding barriers to learning are also essential for success. Students, Field Instructors, and Faculty-Field Liaisons (FFL) should communicate their observations and concerns to each other as soon as they are identified. Students are better served by early recognition of significant performance difficulties. It is important that any personal information be treated confidentially by the practicum participants (student, Field Instructor, relevant agency staff, FFL, and Practicum Office). Given the power dynamics in the Field Instructor-student relationship, either party may choose to use alternative disclosure pathways outlined in  “How Can I Give Feedback on My Practicum?” 

The University of Toronto’s equity policies, the FIFSW mission statement, and our commitment to Equity, Diversity and Inclusion inform all aspects of the practicum, from the selection and interview process and throughout the practicum course(s). Field personnel and students are instructed to read and respect the Ontario Human Rights Codes. Students who believe they may be experiencing harassment or discrimination are encouraged to consult immediately with the Practicum Office, FIFSW supports, and/or the following specialized resources: 


Acknowledging when issues arise 

It is the responsibility of both the student and Field Instructor to identify any problematic behaviour patterns or major issues in the practicum and to document their efforts to address these difficulties in the learning and teaching experience. Common issues presented by students and Field Instructors include:  

  • lengthy orientation that has not been communicated  
  • minimal student access to clients, meetings, activities, etc. 
  • late, insufficient, or unbalanced feedback 
  • lack of access to student work 
  • discrepancy between stated learnings on the PAS and actual experiences 
  • lack of supervision and/or coordination between multiple Field Instructors 
  • lack of adherence to practicum site policies and procedures 
  • limited progress on learning goals despite field instruction and ongoing feedback 

Most concerns can be addressed between the student and field instructor through identifying, discussing, and planning remediation for the issues. However, should the issues not be resolved through this process, the FFL arranges a Review Meeting with the appropriate stakeholders. 

Scheduling a review meeting 

When the student and Field Instructor cannot resolve an issue independently, the FFL and the Education Coordinator (if applicable) must be contacted. Appropriate referrals to campus resources may also be made. 

Preparation for the Review Meeting: 

  • The student may provide available notes, audio/video recordings, process recordings, or other methods of observing direct and/or indirect practice; 
  • The Field Instructor provides evidence of constructive feedback; 
  • The FFL reviews materials provided by the Field Instructor and the student. 

During the Review Meeting: 

Participants will work toward a clear identification of problems in learning and teaching. The FFL will determine whether: 

  1. regular procedures have been followed in field instruction as specified in the Learning Contract (e.g., number and nature of assignments; field instruction sessions; specific feedback given to the student); and
  2. a ‘plan for success’ is needed, which addresses: 
  • specific learning objectives and behaviour changes expected of the student and/or Field Instructor 
  • dates for submitting evidence of stated behaviour changes and for subsequent meeting(s) 

The FFL will document the process and outcome of the Review Meeting and provide a copy to the student, Field Instructor, and Assistant Dean of Field Education. An Educational Review may also be recommended at this time. 

When further support is needed 

If practicum concerns are not resolved through the above procedures, the FFL will notify the Assistant Dean, Field Education who will convene a meeting with the student and appropriate field and faculty personnel to assess relevant issues. The student may bring a support person to the meeting. The FFL will document the process and outcome of the meeting, with copies provided to the student, Field Instructor, and Assistant Dean, Field Education. 

Should the issue be related to student competency: 

  • The FFL and Assistant Dean will establish conditions to be met before the student can renegotiate a practicum. Students who terminate the practicum will normally defer their next practicum to the next semester. While every effort is made to find a new practicum, the Practicum Office cannot guarantee when a replacement practicum will be secured. The replacement practicum must comply with SGS registration timelines to commence in September, January, or May and cannot begin outside of those timelines. This may result in additional registration fees. 

Should the issue be related to Field Instructor competency: 

  • The Practicum Office may pre-empt some of these stages as indicated above. With student consent, the Practicum Office will support the Field Instructor in addressing identified behaviours through consultation and professional development opportunities. 

Practicum Termination 

FIFSW recognizes the right of the practice setting, ideally after consultation with the agency director/Education Coordinator and the Practicum Office and in writing, to terminate the practicum if the student’s behaviour is unacceptable and/or client service/patient care is compromised. (See the University of Toronto Standards of Professional Practice Behaviour for all Health Professional Students). 

At the discretion of the Assistant Dean, Field Education and Associate Dean, Academic, as well as the subsequent Field Instructor, with demonstration of competencies achieved, some student time in the terminated practicum may be credited to the student’s next practicum. (See section on “Grading” for further clarification.) 

As noted above, in exceptional circumstances, the Practicum Office may pre-empt some of these stages.  

To complete the practicum course requirement and receive a credit for the practicum, the student must demonstrate social work competencies as per the  practicum evaluation tool and complete the negotiated number of practicum hours. When this does not occur, a No Credit (NCR) will be assigned. No Credit (NCR) is the equivalent of a failure (FZ) grade in an academic course and is subject to the same regulations as other courses as outlined in FIFSW Policies & Procedures Failed Courses

Securing a new practicum 

Only when a practicum is formally terminated can an alternate practicum match commence. A Practicum Coordinator will assist in securing a new practicum opportunity.