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A message from Dean Voisin | March 16, 2020

Dear students, faculty, and staff,

We are deeply grateful for your effort, flexibility, and understanding in the wake of the evolving situation related to COVID-19. Much work has taken place over the past 72 hours, a lot of which has happened behind the scenes, with many faculty and staff striving over the weekend to facilitate the move to online classes, remote learning activities in practicum, and other online communications. Students are adjusting their learning styles and displaying significant resourcefulness. It is heartening to see our community pull together in this supportive way.

In these uncharted times, we are also fortunate to have so much institutional support from University of Toronto administrators, researchers, and community partners who are working to keep us updated and informed. A U of T website has been set up to share the latest information. FIFSW has also created a page for important updates related to our community.

Please note that all practicum students are to now move to remote learning within their placements. No in-person practicum activities are permitted to take place between now and April 3. More details will be forthcoming from our practicum office shortly.

It is vital that you continue to take care of your wellbeing and that of your loved ones. As the situation evolves, we are here to support you in any way that we can. I would also like to emphasize every effort will be taken to respect your privacy and ensure confidentiality in this potentially heightened time of stress.

I imagine that there are still many questions. This being the case, please don’t hesitate to contact the appropriate academic team leaders listed below.

Master of Social Work: David Burnes, Associate Dean, Academic, and Associate Professor
416-978-5659 |

Practicum: Eileen McKee, Assistant Dean, Field Education
416-978-4338 |

PhD program: Lin Fang, PhD Program Director, and Associate Professor
416-946-5084 |

Research: David J. Brennan, Associate Dean, Research, and Professor
416-978-3273 |

Your ongoing understanding and flexibility, and continued support for each other is of upmost importance. I am so appreciative of the efforts of our community to pull together during this time.


Dexter R. Voisin
Dean & Professor
Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work
University of Toronto