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Andrew Eaton

MSW Thesis (2016, University of Toronto)
BSW (2012, Ryerson University)
Supervisors: Prof. Shelley L. Craig & Dr. Sharon L. Walmsley (UofT Medicine)

Room 710 / 416-978-8895 /

Andrew Eaton is a PhD Candidate & Research Director at FIFSW, where he project-manages INQYR – The International Partnership for Queer Youth Resilience (; Prof. Shelley Craig’s SSHRC Partnership Grant). His thesis project is a community-informed pilot trial to determine feasible group therapy for people aging with HIV-Associated Neurocognitive Disorder (HAND). He is the Ontario HIV Treatment Network’s (OHTN) Endgame Student Leader in HAND and Psychosocial Interventions. With Prof. Ellen Katz and the Practicum Office, Andrew also conducts research regarding field education.


Eaton, A. D., Craig, S. L., Rourke, S. B., Sota, T., McCullagh, J. W., Fallon, B. A., & Walmsley, S. L. (under review). Cognitive remediation group therapy versus mutual aid group therapy: A pilot randomized, controlled trial to determine the feasibility and acceptability of group therapy for people aging with HIV facing cognitive challenges. Pilot and Feasibility Studies.

Eaton, A. D., Chan Carusone, S., Ceranto, A., Craig, S. L., Busch, A., & McCullagh, J. W. (in press). Training peers to ease hospital discharge: A community-clinical partnership in complex HIV care. Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action.

Eaton, A. D. (in press). Community engagement in Canadian health and social science research: Field reports on four studies. Engaged Scholar Journal.

Craig, S. L., McInroy, L. B., & Eaton, A. D. (in press). Describing a clinical group coding method for identifying competencies in an allied health single session. Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare.

McInroy, L. B., Beaujolais, B., Leung, V. W. Y., Craig, S. L., Eaton, A. D., & Austin, A. (2020). Comparing asexual and non-asexual sexual minority adolescents and young adults: Stressors, suicidality and mental and behavioural health risk outcomes. Psychology & Sexuality.

Craig, S. L., Austin, A., Levenson, J., Leung, V. W. Y., Eaton, A. D., & D’Souza, S. (2020). Frequencies and patterns of adverse childhood events in LGBTQ+ youth. Child Abuse & Neglect, 107.

Craig, S. L., Eaton, A. D., Belitzky, M., Kates, L. E., Dimitropoulos, G., & Tobin, J. (2020). Empowering the team: A social work model of interprofessional collaboration in hospitals. Journal of Interprofessional Education & Practice, 19.

Wagaman, M. A., Watts, K. J., Lamneck, V., D’Souza, S. A., McInroy, L. B., Eaton, A. D., & Craig, S. L. (2020). Managing stressors online and offline: LGBTQ+ youth in the Southern United States. Children and Youth Services Review, 110.

Eaton, A. D., Walmsley, S. L., Craig, S. L., Rourke, S. B., Sota, T., McCullagh, J. W., & Fallon, B. A. (2019). Protocol for a pilot randomised controlled trial evaluating feasibility and acceptability of cognitive remediation group therapy compared with mutual aid group therapy for people ageing with HIV-associated neurocognitive disorder (HAND) in Toronto, Canada. BMJ Open, 9.

Craig, S. L., Eaton, A. D., McInroy, L. B., D’Souza, S. A., Krishnan, S., Wells, G. A., Twum-Siaw, L., & Leung, V. W. Y. (2019). Navigating negativity: A grounded theory and integrative mixed methods investigation of how sexual and gender minority youth cope with negative comments online. Psychology and Sexuality, 11(3), 161-179.

Eaton, A. D., Katz, E., McKee, E., & Russell, D. (2019). Connecting MSW students to community-based practicum: Feasibility and acceptability of panel presentations. Journal of Social Work Education, 56(3), 548-559

Eaton, A. D. (2019). Filmed simulation to train peer researchers in community-based participatory research. Social Work Research, 43(3), 195-199

McInroy, L. B., McCloskey, R. J., Craig, S. L., & Eaton, A. D. (2019). LGBTQ+ youths’ community engagement and resource seeking online versus offline. Journal of Technology in Human Services, 37(4), 315-333.

Eaton, A. D., Chan Carusone, S., Craig, S. L., Telegdi, E., McCullagh, J. W., McClure, D., Wilson, W., Zuniga, L., Berney, K., Ginocchio, G. F., Wells, G. A., Montess, M., Busch, A., Boyce, N., Strike, C., & Stewart, A. (2019). The ART of conversation: Feasibility and acceptability of a pilot peer intervention to help complex HIV-positive people transition from hospital to community. BMJ Open, 9(3).

Craig, S. L., McInroy, L. B., Eaton, A. D., Iacono, G., Leung, V. W. Y., Austin, A., & Dobinson, C. (2019). An affirmative coping skills intervention to improve the mental and sexual health of sexual and gender minority youth (Project Youth AFFIRM): Protocol for an implementation study. JMIR Research Protocols, 8(6), e13462.

Liboro, R. M., Rourke, S. B., Ibáñez-Carrasco, F., Eaton, A. D., Pugh, D., Medina, C., Rae, A., Shuper, P. A., & Ross, L. E. (2019). Strategies employed by community-based service providers to address HIV-associated neurocognitive challenges: A qualitative study. Journal of the International Association of Providers in AIDS Care, 18

Eaton, A. D., Tsang, A. K. T., Craig, S. L., & Ginocchio, G. F. (2018). Peer researchers in post-professional healthcare: A glimpse at motivations and partial objectivity as opportunities for action researchers. Action Research, 17(4), 591-609

Eaton, A. D., Ibáñez-Carrasco, F., Craig, S. L., Chan Carusone, S., Montess, M. Wells, G. A., & Ginocchio, G. F. (2018). A blended learning curriculum for training peer researchers to conduct community-based participatory research. Action Learning: Research and Practice, 15(2), 139-150

Liboro, R. M., Ibáñez-Carrasco, F., Rourke, S. B., Eaton, A. D., Medina, C., Pugh, D., Rae, A., Ross, L. E., & Shuper, P. A. (2018). Barriers to addressing HIV-Associated Neurocognitive Disorder (HAND): Community-based service provider perspectives. Journal of HIV & Social Services, 17(3), 209-223.

Eaton, A. D., Cattaneo, J. S., Watchorn, J. M., Bilbao-Joseph, C., Bowler, S., Hazelton, M., Myslik, J., Ross, A., & Chambers, L. (2017). From serodiscordant to magnetic: The feasibility and acceptability of a pilot psychoeducational group intervention designed to improve relationship quality. Social Work with Groups, 41(4), 323-335.

Craig, S. L., McInroy, L. B., D’Souza, S., Austin, A., McCready, L. T., Eaton, A. D., Shade, L. R., & Wagaman, M. A. (2017). Project #queery: The influence of information and communication technologies on the resilience and coping of sexual and gender minority youth in the United States and Canada. JMIR Research Protocols, 6(9):e189.

Eaton, A. D., Craig, S. L., & Wallace, R. (2017). The intersecting cognitive and aging needs of HIV-positive older adults: Implications for social work practice. Social Work in Health Care, 56(8), 733-747.

Research Grants Awarded

Craig, S. L., McInroy, L. B., McDermott, D., Austin, A., Lozano-Verduzco, I., Dentaro, M. P., Mendoze Pérez, J., Kahn, S., Fish, J., & Eaton, A. D. (2019-2020). Mobilization LGBTQ+ conocimento: The inaugural INQYR student symposium (TISS-Mexico). Connection Grant: SSHRC. $25,000.

Murzin, K., Walmsley, S. L., Rosenes, R., … Eaton, A. D. (one of multiple Co-Is). (2019-2020). Preferences and needs for aging care among HIV elders in Ontario (“PANACHE Ontario). Community Participation and Evaluation Award: OHTN. $50,000.

Worthington, C. A., Chan Carusone, S., Ibáñez-Carrasco, F., Rourke, S. B., … Eaton, A. D. (one of multiple Co-Is). (2019-2022). HEADS UP! 2: A qualitative CBR study to describe service experiences of HIV positive people living with neurocognitive difficulties and disorders and the providers of those services. Operating Grant – HIV/AIDS Community-Based Research Program: CIHR. $450,000.

Walmsley, S. L., Rosenes, R., Murzin, K., Taylor, D., Bowdish, D. M., Falutz, J., Guaraldi, G., Guillemi, S. A., Klein, M. B., Loutfy, M. R., O’Brien, K. K., Rachlis, B. S., Rochon, P. A., Tan, D. H., Wyndham-West, M. … Eaton, A. D. (one of multiple Co-Is). (2018-2023). Correlates of healthy aging in geriatric HIV (CHANGE-HIV). Team Grant – HIV/AIDS Comorbidities Prevention and Healthy Living: CIHR. $2,487,249.

Liboro, R. M., Shuper, P. A., Ibáñez-Carrasco, F., Yates, T. C., Ross, L. E., Pugh, D., & Eaton, A. D. (2018-2021). An examination of resilience against HIV/AIDS among middle-aged and older men who have sex with men: Resources, strengths, and protective factors. Operating Grant – HIV/AIDS Community-Based Research Program: CIHR. $202,000.

Eaton, A. D. (PI), Walmsley, S. L., Craig, S.L., Rourke, S. B., & Fallon, B. A. (2017-2020). Cognitive remediation group therapy to improve older adults’ ability to cope with HIV-Associated Neurocognitive Disorder (HAND): A pilot randomized, controlled trial. Pilot Study Funding Program: CIHR Canadian HIV Trials Network (CTN). $100,000.

Walmsley, S. L., Rosenes, R., Murzin, K., Rachlis, B., … Eaton, A. D. (one of multiple Co-Is).(2018-2019). PANACHE: Preferences and needs for aging care among HIV elders in Canada. Catalyst Grant – HIV/AIDS Community-Based Research Program: CIHR. $39,982.

Eaton, A. D. (PI), Chan Carusone, S., Craig, S. L., Telegdi, E., McCullagh, J., McClure, D., Berney, K., Walter, W., Zuniga, L., Boyce, N., Busch, A., Stewart, A., & Strike, C. (2017-2018). The ART of conversation: Developing a peer telephone support program for people living with HIV who use substances and are facing challenges with antiretroviral adherence following hospitalization. Community-Based Research and Evaluation (CBR&E) Grant: OHTN. $25,000.

Liboro, R. M., Shuper, P. A., Ross, L., Eaton, A. D. (Co-I), Medina, C., Pugh, D., & Rae, A. (2016-2017). Addressing the impact of HIV-Associated Neurocognitive Disorder (HAND) on the mental health of people living with HIV: Perspectives of community-based service providers on knowledge and preparedness. Capacity Building Grant: OHTN. $5,000.

Eaton, A. D. (PI), Craig, S.L., Watchorn, J., McCullagh, J., Wallace, R., Mukandoli, C., & McClure, D. (2015-2016). Exploring the role of social work in supporting people affected by HIV-Associated Neurocognitive Disorder (HAND). CBR&E Grant: OHTN. $12,639.

Watchorn, J., Bilbao-Joseph, C., Cattaneo, J., Bowler, S., Chagoya, C., Hazelton, M., Myslik, J., Ross, A., & Eaton, A. (Co-I). Developing a psychoeducational support group for serodiscordant couples: A collaborative, participatory approach. CBR&E Grant: OHTN. $25,000.

Awards & Scholarships

Endgame Leader Award – OHTN – 2019-2021
Student Award for Leadership and Service (Honourable Mention) – Group for the Advancement of Doctoral Education in Social Work – 2019
Ontario Graduate Scholarship – 2016-2017; 2018-2019
International AIDS Conference Scholarship – International AIDS Society – 2016; 2018
Marion C. Soloway Scholarship – FIFSW Internal Award – 2018
Travel Award – CIHR – 2017
Flipped Workshop Award in Program Science and Community-Based Research – OHTN – 2016
Graduate Fellowship in Applied Social Work Research – Royal Bank of Canada – 2016