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Writing Centre (Health Sciences)

The Health Sciences Writing Centre (HSWC) offers individual writing instruction and support to MSW and PhD students in the Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work. You may bring in writing assignments at any stage, and we will help you develop your capacity to plan, research, organize, write and revise your papers, grants, theses, comp papers, dissertations and manuscripts for publication. Visit HSWC’s website to book an appointment online. Appointments are 50 minutes long and are free. You are welcome to make an appointment with any of the instructors.

To better support PhD and MSW students this year, Michael Cournoyea will also be hosting a writing support schedule that is exclusively for Social Work students. This schedule has over 20 appointments per week, including evening appointments. FIFSW students may schedule an appointment via Microsoft Bookings.

The HSWC is a busy site, so it is advisable to book at least two weeks in advance. If you don’t see an appointment, please use the waiting list on the site. If your name is on the waiting list, watch your email closely in the 48 hours before you want an appointment. Note that you may book up to one appointment per week, holding a maximum of three appointments at any one time between both the HSWC and FIFSW schedules. As you complete an appointment, you can book another as needed.

Appointments can take one of three forms:

  1. Asynchronous: Upload your assignment guidelines and draft any time before your appointment. You will receive your draft back with written comments. The scheduling system calls this “e-tutoring.”
  2. Online synchronous: You will participate in the session (audio and video) in “real time” with your instructor, so you must be at a computer at the designated time. Follow the instructions on the scheduling site.
  3. In person

If you can’t access the scheduling sites, you are welcome to write to Roz Spafford (for the site) or Michael Cournoyea (for the Microsoft Bookings schedule) and they will walk you through it.

They look forward to seeing you and talking about your work!