West Toronto Community Legal Services
Year 2 Practicum
September 2025- April 2026
Name of Practicum Site, Unit or Program:
West Toronto Community Legal Services
Social Work Department
1032 Bloor Street West
Toronto, Ontario
M6H 1M2
Closet Intersections: Dufferin & Bloor Street West | Ossington & Bloor Street West
Closet Subway Stations: Dufferin Station | Ossington Station
Description of the practicum site and student activities:
Student Case Manager
About Us
West Toronto Community Legal Services (WTCLS) is a community-based legal aid clinic and housing help service provider serving low-income people in Toronto’s west end. Areas of law currently practiced include tenants’ rights and housing, social assistance and disability, immigration, and employment law. WTCLS offers a Case Manager for comprehensive social work support.
The Position
Students will work closely with the Social Worker to provide case management services. Duties include:
Conducting case management intake assessments and risk and safety assessments
Completing intake reports, case notes, and support letters
Providing case management services and maintaining a caseload
Shadowing community sessions and appointments with other service providers
Assisting in applying and conducting housing searches for market rent and subsidized housing
Advocating to landlords and other service providers; offering service navigation
Supporting clients in attending Landlord Tenant Board hearings and providing witness testimony if needed
Engaging in training relevant to the Social Work field and staff meetings
Participating on clinic and inter-clinic committees relevant to Social Work
Sourcing and developing relationships with community resources and housing opportunities
Lived experience reflective of the communities we serve and paid or volunteer work in the social services field is an asset.
Practicum Requirements:
(Click on all the boxes that apply.)
☐ Immunizations per PHA Guidelines
☐ N95 Respirator/Mask Fitting
☐ Covid Vaccinations
☐ Influenza Vaccination (Flu shot)
☐ Police Reference/Vulnerable Sector Check
☐ Driver’s License
☐ Use of Own Car
☒ Travel by public transportation between home visits, or satellite offices, or community meetings, etc.
NOTE: We will provide TTC tickets for public transportation if the student is required to travel within the city for client or organizational obligations.
☒ Comfort working with the population being served
NOTE: Volunteer or work experience with populations served is an asset but we will accept students without this.
☒ Comprehensive report writing and documentation
NOTE: We will train students to do so if they do not already have these skills.
☒ Lived experience/Current member of the community being served
NOTE: Lived experience is an asset but not required.
☐ Evening attendance
☐ Weekend attendance
☐ Changing shift attendance
☐ Language (specify in field below)
Other requirements: N/A
Please select Fields(s) of Study:
(click on all boxes that apply.)
☐ Children and their Families
☒ Social Justice and Diversity
☐ Mental Health and Health
☐ Social Work in Gerontology
☐ Human Services Management & Leadership
Does your practicum require any previous experience?
(If yes, please specify.)
Paid or volunteer experience relevant to our work is an asset but not required. We are willing to fully train students.
Is this practicum in-person, remote or hybrid?
This placement is in-person.
Will this practicum involve direct work or a mix of direct and indirect?
Mostly direct work with some indirect work.
Number of practicums offered: 1 practicum with occasional ability to offer 2 practicums.
Field Instructor name and credentials:
Kiera Royle
Bachelor of Social Work and Women and Gender Studies
Master of Social Work
Ontario Graduate Certificate in Forensic Social Work Practice
Application deadline: March 31, 2025.
Do you require a resume? Or resume and cover letter?
Resume and cover letter.
Accessibility Considerations:
- Will the student have access to a private space for notes or computer use? Yes
- Are there breaks between clients/patients/meetings? Sometimes
- Is the practicum considered fast-paced? Medium
- Is there a high noise level in the practicum? Low
- Is the site wheelchair accessible? Yes
- What are the physical demands of the practicum? None
- Are there any other accessibility considerations that potential applicants with disabilities should be aware of? We can offer accommodations as requested.
To apply for this practicum, please send a cover letter and resume to miri.ben.dat@utoronto.ca by 4pm on March 31, 2025. Applications will be sent to the site.