The Collective of Child Welfare Survivors
Year 1 Practicum
January to May 2025
Name of Practicum Site, Unit or Program:
The Collective of Child Welfare Survivors
Location: virtual practicum; possibility of in-person for community events/outreach. To be discussed with student a need occurs
Description of the practicum site and student activities:
Individual Advocacy
- We undertake individual advocacy when requested by a child, young person, family member, community member, foster carer, kinship carer or service provider;
- Student placement individual advocates will be assigned a case(s) to work alongside children, youth, and adult carers to facilitate knowledge growth and interdependence, ensure their rights, views, and experiences are heard and respected, and to ensure better outcomes when interacting with child welfare;
- Conduct intake interviews alongside supervisor;
- Case noting and documentation such as letter writing;
- Regularly meet with clients (virtual/by phone);
- Meet with Children’s Aid Societies and any other relevant agencies;
- Review CAS Service Plans, legal documents, and any other documents relevant to case;
- Advocacy plan alongside client.
Community Development & Outreach
- Support in the development of workshop and public education materials;
- Support in systemic organizing projects;
- Train incoming volunteers and employees if needed;
- Support/supervise volunteer individual advocates in their one-on-one cases;
- Develop and update outreach materials;
- Outreach, develop, and meet with community partners and organizations;
- Develop and facilitate workshop and public education in various settings, including community and academic requests;
- Provide and facilitate community spaces directly with child welfare survivors on various topics.
Systemic Organizing
- Develop and connect with organizations that could develop into a coalition related to an issue;
- Author public position papers, reports, and statements;
- Research relevant materials, documents, etc. to use in systemic organizing methods;
- Create and implement campaign plans;
Student preferences:
- Good research reading and writing skills;
- Familiar with Google Workspace (Docs, Slides, Excel);
- Excellent communication skills;
- Familiar with academic research search engines;
- Adequate understanding of child welfare laws, policies, institutions, and programs, as well as the ongoing issues within child welfare;
- Adequate understanding of classism, sexism, anti-Black racism, anti-Indigenous racism, racism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, sadism, xenophobia, anti-Islamophobia;
- Access to a computer and cellphone/telephone;
- Excellent multitasking skills and time management skills
Practicum Requirements:
(Click on all the boxes that apply.)
☐ Immunizations per PHA Guidelines
☐ N95 Respirator/Mask Fitting
☐ Covid Vaccinations
☐ Influenza Vaccination (Flu shot)
☐ Police Reference/Vulnerable Sector Check
☐ Driver’s License
☐ Use of Own Car
☐ Travel by public transportation between home visits, or satellite offices, or community meetings, etc.
☐ Comfort working with the population being served
☐ Comprehensive report writing and documentation
☐ Lived experience/Current member of the community being served
☐ Evening attendance
☐ Weekend attendance
☐ Changing shift attendance
☐ Language (specify in field below)
Other requirements:
Practicum secured for BIPOC, LGBTQ2, gender diverse students
Does your practicum require any previous experience?
Preferred skills:
○ Experience working in advocacy/support role for children, youth
and/or families;
○ Preference for child welfare survivors, families/adult carers with
experience navigating child welfare;
○ Experience developing workshops, public speaking, and
providing public education materials;
○ Experience working in advocacy policy and project
development, particularly with vulnerable and precarious
populations (preference for child welfare survivors and
Is this practicum in-person, remote or hybrid?
Will this practicum involve direct work or a mix of direct and indirect?
This practicum is both direct/indirect. Direct client work includes individual advocacy cases and running community group spaces
Field Instructor name and credentials:
Josh Lamers (he/they), BSW, MSW, JD, Ph.D. in Law Student
Do you require a resume? Or resume and cover letter? Yes, both.
Accessibility Considerations:
- Will the student have access to a private space for notes or computer use? Yes
- Are there breaks between clients/patients/meetings? Yes
- Is the practicum considered fast-paced? Medium
- Is there a high noise level in the practicum? Low
- Is the site wheelchair accessible? Yes
- What are the physical demands of the practicum? Remote work
- Are there any other accessibility considerations that potential applicants with disabilities should be aware of? Engaging online.
If you are interested in this practicum, please send a cover letter and resume to by 4pm on October 2, 2024. Applications will be forwarded on to the site.