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Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, Program Development and Strategic Partnerships, Radiation Medicine

Year 2 Practicum

September 2025- April 2026

Name of Practicum Site, Unit or Program:

Program Development & Strategic Partnerships, Radiation Medicine


Radiation Medicine Program. Princess Margaret Cancer Centre. Practicum located at OPG Building – 700 University Avenue

Description of the practicum site and student activities:

The Radiation Medicine Program (RMP) at the Princess Margaret is the largest of its kind in Canada and one of the largest in North America, treating over 8,000 patients each year. Radiation therapy is one of the main types of treatment for cancer. It uses high-energy radiation in a finely-focused way that is strong enough to damage or kill cancer cells and stop them from dividing and spreading. Radiation therapy may be used as curative treatment or for palliative cases. RMP primarily serves patients from Toronto, although we see patients from other parts of Ontario for specialized treatment only available at Princess Margaret, as well from the rest of Canada and internationally.

This practicum is part of the Radiation Analytics & Data (RAD) team, working under the Senior Manager, Program Strategy & Development. This practicum will offer exposure to hospital administration at the program/department level and is designed for students looking for a career in management and leadership. Practicum activities will include work related to programmatic strategic plan, high stakes internal/external partner engagement, program development, and people management mentorship (non-supervisory).

This practicum is best suited for students with previous work experience looking to transition to a leadership role. We will focus on developing leadership competencies, based on student interest that will be broadly applicable across settings and roles. These may include a focus on communication, change management, coaching/mentoring, problem solving, and self-awareness/emotional intelligence.

Practicum Requirements:

(Click on all the boxes that apply.)

☒ Immunizations per PHA Guidelines

☐ N95 Respirator/Mask Fitting

☒  Covid Vaccinations

☐ Influenza Vaccination (Flu shot)

☒ Police Reference/Vulnerable Sector Check

☐ Driver’s License

☐ Use of Own Car

☐ Travel by public transportation between home visits, or satellite offices, or community meetings, etc.

☐ Comfort working with the population being served

☒ Comprehensive report writing and documentation

☐ Lived experience/Current member of the community being served

☐ Evening attendance

☐ Weekend attendance

☐ Changing shift attendance

☐ Language (specify in field below)

Other requirements:


Please select Fields(s) of Study:

(click on all boxes that apply.)

☐ Children and their Families

☐ Social Justice and Diversity

☐ Mental Health and Health

☐ Social Work in Gerontology

☒ Human Services Management & Leadership

Does your practicum require any previous experience?

(If yes, please specify.)

Yes, this practicum requires 2-5 years of previous work experience, preferably in a healthcare or other professional setting. A variety of experiences will be considered for this practicum.

Is this practicum in-person, remote or hybrid?


Will this practicum involve direct work or a mix of direct and indirect?

Indirect practicum.

Number of practicums offered:


Field Instructor name and credentials:

Mary Grossutti, MSW, RSW. Senior Manager, Program Strategy & Development

Application deadline:

March 6, 2025

Do you require a resume? Or resume and cover letter?

Cover letter and resume required

Accessibility Considerations:

  • Will the student have access to a private space for notes or computer use? Yes
  • Are there breaks between clients/patients/meetings? Sometimes
  • Is the practicum considered fast-paced? Medium
  • Is there a high noise level in the practicum? Low
  • Is the site wheelchair accessible? Yes
  • What are the physical demands of the practicum? Primarily office/desk-based work, sitting at a computer and in meetings.
  • Are there any other accessibility considerations that potential applicants with disabilities should be aware of? There is a private space for notes however the student will not have a dedicated office/private space. Main work space is shared cubicles.

To apply for this practicum please send a cover letter and resume to by 4 pm March 6, 2025. Applications will be forwarded on to the site.

Return to Practicum 2 Off-PAS Opportunities, 2025 – 2026