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Important Elements of a Successful Practicum

Students are invited to submit a Practicum Feedback Survey at the end of their practicum(s). Over the years, students have said that they found it useful and beneficial to:

  • Have a comprehensive orientation.
  • Have a discussion to clarify student roles, allowing the student to be efficient and maximize their hands-on learning opportunities.
  • Have protected and structured supervision time.
  • Determine with their Field Instructor what type of supervision/education worked best for the student in that setting; (students indicate they benefit from different types of supervision).
  • Have some direct supervision of work.
  • Feel part of the team/valued by the team.
  • Feel supported by their Field Instructor.
  • Work with their Field Instructor to ensure opportunities to develop of social work competencies are offered.
  • Have a discussion with their Field Instructor about the importance of self-care for social workers, and ways to promote self-care.