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Equity resources at the University of Toronto

South entrance to the St. George campus with University College in the background and a woman crossing the road in the foreground;.

The Institutional Equity Office (IEO)

The Institutional Equity Office (IEO)  

The IEO works collaboratively across the University of Toronto’s three campuses to build capacity, support communities, and provide leadership in Indigenous, equity, diversity, inclusion, and anti-racism efforts that lead to a greater sense of belonging for all community members. IEO’s website includes links to EDI policies, learning opportunities, institutional initiatives, resources and more. 

Visit IEO’s website  

Truth and Reconciliation: University of Toronto Calls to Action 

In January 2016, the University of Toronto announced the creation of a Steering Committee for U of T’s Response to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s Final Report. The Steering Committee put forward 34 Calls to Action [PDF] for the University and published the report Answering the Call Wecheehetowin: Final Report of the Steering Committee for the University of Toronto Response to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada [PDF]

For more information: 

EDI in a Global Context

As people navigate their work and learning environments during times of global strife and crisis, they may require very different types of programs, services, supports, and resources. Learn about the broad range of engagement and education opportunities available to you at U of T. The EDI in a Global Context website includes information on community check-ins and supports, information on the Faith and Anti-Racism Inclusion Strategy, and Institutional resources. 

Visit the EDI in a Global Context website 

Anti-Racism and Cultural Diversity Office (ARCDO)

The Anti-Racism and Cultural Diversity Office (ARCDO) within the Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture, provides services to support University members in their efforts to foster environments that are intentionally racially diverse and inclusive through the advancement of equitable practices, education and training and the provision of complaints resolution supports on matters of race, faith and intersecting identities as guided by the Ontario Human Rights Commission.  

Visit ARCDO’s website  

Sexual and Gender Diversity Office (SGDO)

The Sexual & Gender Diversity Office (SGDO) develops partnerships to build supportive learning and working communities at the University of Toronto by working towards equity and challenging discrimination. Part of U of T’s Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture, SGDO is at the forefront of community and policy development on emerging and ongoing equity issues within higher education from the perspective of sexual and gender diversity.  

Visit SGDO’s website  

Accessibility Services

Part of University of Toronto Student Life, the Accessibility Services office assists in navigating disability-related barriers to academic success both temporary and ongoing. From learning strategists to peer advisors, adaptive technologists and more the Accessibility Series office offers a variety of supports for learning, problem solving and inclusion.  

For more on how to seek assistance in navigating disability-related barriers to academic success, visit Accessibility at FIFSW: What you need to know.  

Visit the Accessibility Services Website  

Multi-Faith Centre

The University of Toronto’s Multi-Faith Centre provides an inclusive space for U of T community members to engage in a community, where one can learn, grow and explore diverse cultural and spiritual perspectives, build friendships and engage in self-exploration. The Centre offers spaces for worship and reflection, a resource library, religious diversity training, and more.  

Visit the Multi-Faith Centre website  

First Nations House

U of T’s First Nations House provides culturally relevant services to Indigenous students to support academic success, personal growth and leadership development. It also offers learning opportunities for all students to engage with Indigenous communities at U of T and beyond.  

Visit First Nations House  

University of Toronto Anti-Racism Strategic Tables

The Anti-Racism Strategic Tables at the University of Toronto draw on the knowledge of students, staff and faculty in the tri-campus community to better understand and respond to the needs of campus communities experiencing racism and religious discrimination.

Visit the Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture’s website to read past reports, commitments and reflections on progress.