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EDIIA Newsletters & announcements

Published at the beginning of each month, the Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work’s Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, Indigeneity and Accessibility (EDIIA) newsletter shares news, announcements, workshops, learning opportunities, upcoming dates of awareness and related events. The newsletter also provides reminders of resources available at FIFSW and U of T designed to support our diverse communities. All FIFSW students, faculty and staff are automatically subscribed to this newsletter. 

In addition to the newsletter, FIFSW’s Director, EDIIA may send updates to our community on opportunities or notices from the University.

View past newsletters, announcements and updates from FIFSW’s EDIIA office (starting from December 2024) via the links below.

EDIIA Newsletters and announcements

  • Winter Welcome: EDI Meet & Greet

    Join us for the Winter Welcome: EDI Meet & Greet to learn about institutional initiatives to foster inclusive campus communities. The event provides a welcoming space to connect with colleagues and to meet EDI staff and leadership across the tri-campus. Whether you’re curious about existing programs and resources, want to get involved, or simply wish to learn more about the priorities of the Institutional Equity Office, the event is a perfect opportunity to engage with the EDI community at U of T. Light refreshments will be served. A livestream of the event will be available for guests unable to join in person from 1:30 – 2:00 pm.

    Tuesday, January 21, 2025
    Paul Cadario Conference Centre
    Please RSVP. Staff, students, and faculty are invited.

    Making the Most of Your Grad Experience: Strategies for Academic Success, Finding Community and Getting Involved

    Tuesday, January 28, 12:00-1:30 pm
    Students only

    Join this session to help you transition to being a graduate student. Learn effective strategies for academic success, hear about grad life supports and programs available and learn how to get involved in campus activities and how to find community to have a better graduate experience. Facilitated by Andrea Graham Ph.D. , Team Lead, Graduate and Professional School Programs, CLSS, and Kong Chan, Grad Life Program Facilitator.

  • News and announcements

    Exciting News: Expanded Focus of Our Office! 

    We are thrilled to announce that the Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Office is now the Equity, Diversity, Indigeneity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (EDIIA) Office. This change reflects our ongoing commitment to advancing equity, celebrating diversity, amplifying Indigenous voices, and ensuring accessibility for all. Stay tuned for updates and initiatives under this expanded mandate!

    Nomination: Muslim, Arab, Palestinian Discrimination Working Group

    Call for Nominations for the Muslim, Arab, Palestinian Discrimination Working Group (MAPDWG) is now open. I have received many inquiries in the EDIIA Office about the status of this working group and am pleased to share that interested members of the university community are invited to nominate themselves to serve on the MAP DWG. The Chair (Dr. Anver Emon) seeks to include a diversity of voices on the issues of Islamophobia*, anti-Arab, and anti-Palestinian discrimination.  Students, faculty and librarians, instructors and researchers, and staff are encouraged to serve on the MAP DWG.  The Working Group will include three subcommittees that will bring into focus the distinct experiences of Muslim, Arab, and Palestinian members of the University. 

    * For the purposes of this report and Working Group, Islamophobia and anti-Muslim discrimination will be used synonymously.

    Self-nominations may be submitted online via the MAP DWG’s webpage by January 17, 2025Find more information on the Muslim, Arab, Palestinian Discrimination Working Group

    To self-nominate yourself for this working group please fill the following Microsoft Form.

    NEW! FIFSW On-Location Accessibility Advisor Drop in Hours

    Beginning in January 2025, winter term drop-in hours with FIFSW’s on site Accessibility Advisor Bethany Ohab will now be on Tuesdays between 12:00 and 1:00 pm, in person, room 108. These drop-in hours are to help students waiting for an appointment and are reserved for students already assigned to Bethany or seeking general information in registering with Accessibility Services. For more information on receiving support for your accessibility needs, visit FIFSW’s website.

    Register! FIFSW Staff and Faculty AODA Professional Development  

    Our last FIFSW AODA session on Accessible Events is taking place on Feb 6 (staff) and Feb 7 (Faculty).  As mentioned in September, our priority at FIFSW this year is Accessibility and as a part of supporting that goal, all staff and faculty are encouraged to register for all three PD sessions. These sessions have been identified as the most essential building blocks needed to ensure inclusion in the learning and working environment.  

    Accessible Events is for any Faculty or Staff who participate in the planning of events, meetings or social gatherings either in or outside the classroom, big or small.

    We are close to full staff engagement, let’s keep the momentum going!

    Accessible Events Staff – February 6, 2025 @ 1-3 p.m.

    Accessible Events Faculty- February 7, 2025 @ 10 a.m.- 12 p.m.

    EDIIA committee updates

    for the next EDIIA Committee meeting on January 14th

    FIFSW’s Equity, Diversity, Indigeneity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (EDIIA) Committee is a formal standing committee of FIFSW and is derived of students, staff, faculty, alumni, and community partners. Learn about the EDIIA Committee’s terms of reference, structure and more.

    All staff, students, and faculty are welcome to register to attend our next EDIIA Committee General Meeting on January 14, 2025. We hope you can join us! 

    Spotlight on EDIIA resources

    Have you visited FIFSW’s EDIIA website?

    FIFSW’s Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, Indigeneity, and Accessibility website provides information on FIFSW initiatives, resources and plans related to EDIIA and Truth and Reconciliation and will be updated as ongoing work in these areas continues to evolve. We have included placeholders for sections where new content is planned and in the process of being developed through FIFSW’s Diversity & Equity Committee and in consultation with our communities. 

    Have suggestions or feedback? Reach out to FIFSW’s EDIIA Director Shahana Arain to share your thoughts.

    How to report EDIIA Concerns at FIFSW

    If you have experienced discrimination or harassment under the Ontario Human Rights Code, based on the University’s Statement on Prohibited Discrimination and Discriminatory Harassment, we encourage you to reach out to FIFSW’s Director of Equity, Diversity, Indigeneity, Inclusion, and Accessibility. Reporting EDIIA concerns may be initiated based on an individual’s experiences of discrimination or harassment, either within or outside of FIFSW. 

    Our goal is to support each person through the resolution process on an individual basis based on their unique needs. We aim to offer resources that are culturally responsive, trauma informed, and restorative in nature.

    Visit this page to learn more about reporting EDIIA concerns.

    U of T Staff/Faculty professional development

    Digital Document and Web Accessibility Fundamentals

    Jan 14, 2025 
    9:00am – 12:00pm

    This session focuses on accessible content creation practices. Techniques for conceptualizing, creating and maintaining accessible documents will be discussed and how to build these into department wide processes.  A heavy emphasis is placed on why those techniques are important, and the ramifications of formatting decisions.

    Register Here

    Transforming EDI from Commitment to Operations

    Jan 14, 2025
    10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.

    In this workshop participants will be invited to reconnect on the purpose and importance of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion work within institutions and be provided with practical tools and resources to meaningfully operationalize EDI principles in work and learning environments.

    Register Here

    2SLGBTQ+ Concepts, Identities and Inclusion

    Jan 15, 2025 
    9:00am – 12:00pm

    This workshop will provide participants with a framework for understanding foundational concepts related to sexual and gender diversity, including gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation. The session will examine how common messages and ideas about sexuality and gender operate in our daily lives and work environments, with impacts for all of us, and specifically for 2SLGBTQ+ communities. Register Here

    What is Harassment? Tools to Identify and Address Racial and Sexual Harassment (Part 1)

    Jan 20, 2025 
    1:00pm – 3:00pm

    Provide an overview of key race- and sexual-related harassment terms and definitions outlined within the Ontario Human Rights Code (OHRC), Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA), and U of T policies. Participants will identify intersectional manifestations of racial and sexual harassment and their impact on the individual and the work environment.

    Register Here

    Practical Strategies for a Gender-Inclusive University

    Jan 21, 2025 
    9:00am – 12:00pm

    This training will build on foundational frameworks and concepts related to sexual and gender diversity and support participants to build a deeper understanding of gender identity and gender expression. Through reflective activities, practical strategies, and engaging conversations, participants will gain skills to recognize how gendered ideas and assumptions might emerge in everyday interactions. 

    Register Here

    Web Content Accessibility Crash Course 

    Jan 22, 2025 (9:00am – 12:00pm) Day 1                 
    Jan 23, 2025 (9:00am – 12:00pm) Day 2

    This session aims to give a foundation or refresher for website content editors on web accessibility fundamentals. Participants will learn about Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.0) and how they apply to the AODA, what this means for their role at the University and provide a foundation for discussion of web accessibility with different types of stakeholders. 

    Register Here

    Accessible Events

    Jan 25, 2025 
    1:00pm – 03:00pm

    This session will provide event professionals at the University with some key resources, tips and techniques to facilitate accessible hybrid events. Participants will be reminded of our obligations to create accessible spaces in online and physical environments, introduced to accessible facilitation techniques, and provided with advice on how to seamlessly integrate online and in-person experiences to maximize accessibility. 

    Register Here

    What is Harassment? Tools to identify and address racial and sexual harassment (Part 2)

    Jan 27, 2025 
    1:00pm – 3:00pm

    Participants will examine building a consensual culture by recognizing power dynamics and understanding boundaries and consent; identify and locate relevant U of T policies regarding workplace conduct. They will review intervention techniques to intervene as bystanders to harassment and will learn how to implement the CALM Model to support Disclosing and Reporting; identify barriers to Disclosing and Reporting.

    Register Here

    Recognizing and Addressing Race, Place of Origin & Creed-Based Discriminations in our Work Environment

    Jan 31, 2025
    10:00am – 12:30pm

    Discrimination based on race, place of origin and creed (religion/spirituality or faith) can manifest in various ways within the workplace, sometimes distinctly and other times in overlapping forms. This interactive workshop aims to deepen participants’ understanding of how both race, place of origin and creed-based discrimination can occur in our work environments. Participants will learn to recognize these forms of discrimination and their impacts, explore relevant University policies to address discrimination and harassment and share strategies and practices that support an inclusive and equitable workplace.

    Register Here

    Visit ARCDO’s website to view upcoming training and workshops for faculty, librarians and staff.

    Student Professional Development

    Self-Advocacy Workshop: Navigating Family, Religious, and Disability-Related Accommodations In-Person

    Jan 15, 2025
    12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
    Meeting Room 310, Multi-Faith Centre at the University of Toronto (St. George) – 569 Spadina Crescent, Toronto
    Register Here

    Film Screening: Red Fever – Presented by the Office of Indigenous Initiatives x Innis College

    Jan 16, 2025 
    6:30 pm – 9:30 pm
    Innis College (2 Sussex Ave.), St. George Campus
    Register Here

    Interfaith Friendship Circles: Aga Khan Museum

    Jan 17, 2025 
    12:00 pm – 5:30 pm
    Koffler House (569 Spadina Ave.), St. George Campus
    Register Here

    For a detailed list of upcoming events, please visit Folio.

    Hold the Date @ FIFSW: Sexual and Violence Prevention Support Centre

    Jan 27, 2025
    12:30- 1:30 p.m.

    Hold the Date @ FIFSW: Learning Strategies Session

    Jan 28, 2025
    12:30-1:30 p.m.

    Religious and cultural observances

    January Dates

    January 6: Epiphany/Orthodox Christianity Theophany (Christian)
    January 6: Guru Gobind Singh Jayanti (Sikhism)
    January 7: Orthodox Christmas (Orthodox Christian)
    January 13: Lohri (Sikhism)
    January 14: Orthodox Christian New Year (Orthodox Christian)
    January 14: Makar (Hinduism)
    January 14: Mahayana New Year (Buddhism)
    January 29: Lunar New Year (Cultural – Asian)

    Visit the University of Toronto’s Student Life website or The Division of People, Strategy, Equity, and Culture for more information on the dates above, including descriptions, inclusive employer guides, and common greetings.

    Accommodations for Religious Observances

    Visit the Office of the Vice Provost Students website and learn more about Religious Accommodations for students. It is the policy of the University of Toronto to work with students who observe religious days other than those already accommodated by current scheduling and statutory holidays[DD6] . Review the Policy on Scheduling of Classes and Examination and Other Accommodations for Religious Observances.

    Heritage Months and Dates of Awareness

    January: Tamil Heritage Month

    January 27: International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the  Holocaust

    January 29: National Day of Remembrance of the Quebec City Mosque Attack and Action Against Islamophobia

    View a list of U of T’s Institutional Dates of Awareness.

    Learn about heritage months via U of T’s Student Life website.

    Did you know?

    Sharing the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) Call to Action: Reducing the Number of Aboriginal Children in Care

    As part of our ongoing commitment to truth and reconciliation, we share this Call to Action to raise awareness among staff, students, and faculty. We are highlighting these recommendations to foster an understanding of the systemic challenges Indigenous families face and inspires us to consider how we can support reconciliation efforts through our work, learning, and interactions.

    The TRC calls upon federal, provincial, territorial, and Aboriginal governments to commit to reducing the number of Aboriginal children in care by:

    1. Monitoring and assessing neglect investigations.
    2. Providing adequate resources to enable Aboriginal communities and child-welfare organizations to keep Aboriginal families together where it is safe to do so, and to keep children in culturally appropriate environments, regardless of where they reside.
    3. Ensuring that social workers and others who conduct child-welfare investigations are properly educated and trained about the history and impacts of residential schools.
    4. Ensuring that social workers and others who conduct child-welfare investigations are properly educated and trained about the potential for Aboriginal communities and families to provide more appropriate solutions to family healing.
    5. Requiring that all child-welfare decision makers consider the impact of the residential school experience on children and their caregivers.

    Questions? Need Help?

    Contact FIFSW’s Director of EDIIA, Shahana Arain

    Office Hours:  12:30-1:30pm Mondays and Tuesdays

    Office location: Room 202

    You Matter, Your Well Being is Important!

    If you are a student who needs immediate support, please call the Health & Wellness Centre at (416) 978-8030 to speak with a counsellor. Counselling is also available through the U of T Telus Health Student Support (formerly MySSP) 24/7 by calling 1 (844) 451-9700.

    Staff and faculty can access mental health resources and supports through the Employee & Family Assistance Program (EFAP). The 24/7 helpline at 1.800.663.1142 provides support for those experiencing grief, stress, and trauma.


  • In case you have not come across this announcement yet, I wanted to let you know that the Call for Nominations for the Muslim, Arab, Palestinian Discrimination Working Group (MAPDWG) is now open. I have received many inquiries in the EDIIA Office about the status of this working group and am pleased to share that interested members of the university community are invited to nominate themselves to serve on the MAP DWG. The Chair (Dr. Anver Emon) seeks to include a diversity of voices on the issues of Islamophobia,* anti-Arab, and anti-Palestinian discrimination.  Students, faculty and librarians, instructors and researchers, and staff are encouraged to serve on the MAP DWG.   The Working Group will include three subcommittees that will bring into focus the distinct experiences of Muslim, Arab, and Palestinian members of the University. 

    * For the purposes of this report and Working Group, Islamophobia and anti-Muslim discrimination will be used synonymously.

    Self-nominations may be submitted online via the MAP DWG’s webpage by January 17, 2025Find more information on the Muslim, Arab, Palestinian Discrimination Working Group

    To self nominate yourself for this working group please fill the following Microsoft Form.

  • News and announcements

    Exciting News: Expanded Focus of Our Office! 

    We are thrilled to announce that the Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Office is now the Equity, Diversity, Indigeneity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (EDIIA) Office. This change reflects our ongoing commitment to advancing equity, celebrating diversity, amplifying Indigenous voices, and ensuring accessibility for all. Stay tuned for updates and initiatives under this expanded mandate!

    Dean Williams’ Community Update — December 6, 2024

    On December 6, Dean Charmaine Williams shared a community update on actions FIFSW is taking to address antisemitism and inclusive practices here at FIFSW. The update provides a robust overview of ongoing activities reflected in our commitment to serving all communities at the Faculty.

    NEW! FIFSW On-Location Accessibility Advisor Drop in Hours

    Beginning in January, Winter term drop-in hours with FIFSW’s on site Accessibility Advisor Bethany Ohab will now be on Tuesdays between 12:00 and 1:00 pm, in person, room 108. These drop-in hours are to help students waiting for an appointment and are reserved for students already assigned to Bethany or seeking general information in registering with Accessibility Services. For more information on receiving support for your accessibility needs, visit FIFSW’s website.

    In Memory of the Honorable Murray Sinclair 

    Murray Sinclair, an Anishinaabe senator, lawyer, and the first Indigenous judge in Manitoba, has passed away at 73. As chief commissioner of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC), he led efforts to document the impact of Canada’s residential schools, concluding that they were part of a policy of cultural genocide against Indigenous Peoples. A member of Peguis First Nation, Sinclair’s advocacy left a lasting legacy. In 2017, he was recognized with an honorary degree from the University of Toronto. In his address, he urged graduates to uphold truth and integrity, reminding them that “not everything you have been told is right.” A sacred fire has been lit in his honor, a testament to his profound influence on reconciliation and justice. Click here to learn more about the Honorable Murray Sinclair.

    EDIIA committee updates

    Join us for the next EDIIA Committee meeting on January 14th

    FIFSW’s Equity, Diversity, Indigeneity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (EDIIA) Committee is a formal standing committee of FIFSW and is derived of students, staff, faculty, alumni, and community partners. Learn about the EDIIA Committee’s terms of reference, structure and more.

    All staff, students, and faculty are welcome to register to attend our next EDIIA Committee General Meeting on January 14, 2025. We hope you can join us! 

    Spotlight on EDIIA resources 

    Have you visited FIFSW’s EDIIA website?

    FIFSW’s Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, Indigeneity, and Accessibility website provides information on FIFSW initiatives, resources and plans related to EDIIA and Truth and Reconciliation and will be updated as ongoing work in these areas continues to evolve. We have included placeholders for sections where new content is planned and in the process of being developed through FIFSW’s Diversity & Equity Committee and in consultation with our communities. 

    Have suggestions or feedback? Reach out to FIFSW’s EDIIA Director Shahana Arain to share your thoughts.

    How to report EDIIA Concerns at FIFSW

    If you have experienced discrimination or harassment under the Ontario Human Rights Code, based on the University’s Statement on Prohibited Discrimination and Discriminatory Harassment, we encourage you to reach out to FIFSW’s Director of Equity, Diversity, Indigeneity, Inclusion, and Accessibility. Reporting EDIIA concerns may be initiated based on an individual’s experiences of discrimination or harassment, either within or outside of FIFSW. 

    Our goal is to support each person through the resolution process on an individual basis based on their unique needs. We aim to offer resources that are culturally responsive, trauma informed, and restorative in nature.

    Visit this page to learn more about reporting EDIIA concerns.

    Student workshop

    Engaging in Research: African Black Caribbean, Latin American, Southeast Asian & First Generation undergrad students

    Thursday, December 12
    4:30 to 6:00pm

    African Black Caribbean, Latin American, Southeast Asian and First Generation undergraduate students will discuss research with involved upper year student Mentor Navigators, and relatable librarians and professors from a variety of disciplines. Graduate students may register for this event. 

    Learn more and register.

    Staff/Faculty professional development

    Recognizing and Addressing Race, Place of Origin & Creed-Based Discriminations in our Work Environment 

    December 4, 2024
    10:00am to 12:30pm

    This interactive workshop aims to deepen participants’ understanding of how both race, place of origin and creed-based discrimination can occur in our work environments. Participants will learn to recognize these forms of discrimination and their impacts, explore relevant University policies to address discrimination and harassment and share strategies and practices that support inclusive and equitable workplace.  

    Learn more and register.

    Practical Strategies for a Gender-Inclusive University

    December, 4 2024 
    1:00pm to 4:00pm

    This training will build on foundational frameworks and concepts related to sexual and gender diversity and support participants to build a a deeper understanding of gender identity and gender expression. Through reflective activities, practical strategies, and engaging conversations, participants will gain skills to recognize how gendered ideas and assumptions might emerge in everyday interactions.

    Learn more and register.

    Anti-Racism & Cultural Diversity Office (ARCDO) training and workshops

    The Anti-Racism & Cultural Diversity Office offers professional development course to increase faculty, librarian and staff’s understanding of their roles/responsibilities and key strategies to advancing racial equity, diversity and inclusion at U of T. December events include a workshop on Recognizing and Addressing Race, Place of Origin & Creed-based Discriminations in our Work Environment.

    Visit ARCDO’s website to view upcoming training and workshops for faculty, librarians and staff.

    Religious and cultural observances

    December dates

    December 21: Yalda (Zoroastrian)
    December 21: Yule (Wiccan)
    December 23: Human Light Day (Humanist)
    December 25: Christmas (Christian)
    December 25-January 2: Hanukkah (Judaism)
    December 26: Kwanzaa (Cultural – African American)
    December 26: Zartosht no deeso (Zoroastrian)

    Visit the University of Toronto’s Student Life website for more information on the dates above, including descriptions and common greetings.

    Accommodations for Religious Observances

    Visit the Office of the Vice Provost Students website and learn more about Religious Accommodations for students. It is the policy of the University of Toronto to work with students who observe religious days other than those already accommodated by current scheduling and statutory holidays[DD2] . Review the Policy on Scheduling of Classes and Examination and Other Accommodations for Religious Observances.

    Dates of Awareness

    December dates

    December 3: International Day of Persons with Disabilities
    December 6: National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women

    Visit FIFSW’s website for more information, including descriptions, of all upcoming dates of awareness.

    View a list of U of T’s Institutional Dates of Awareness.

    Learn about heritage months via U of T’s Student Life website.

    Did you know?

    Sharing the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) Call to Action: Reducing the Number of Aboriginal Children in Care

    As part of our ongoing commitment to truth and reconciliation, we share this Call to Action to raise awareness among staff, students, and faculty. We are highlighting these recommendations to foster an understanding of the systemic challenges Indigenous families face and inspires us to consider how we can support reconciliation efforts through our work, learning, and interactions.

    The TRC calls upon federal, provincial, territorial, and Aboriginal governments to commit to reducing the number of Aboriginal children in care by:

    1. Monitoring and assessing neglect investigations.
    2. Providing adequate resources to enable Aboriginal communities and child-welfare organizations to keep Aboriginal families together where it is safe to do so, and to keep children in culturally appropriate environments, regardless of where they reside.
    3. Ensuring that social workers and others who conduct child-welfare investigations are properly educated and trained about the history and impacts of residential schools.
    4. Ensuring that social workers and others who conduct child-welfare investigations are properly educated and trained about the potential for Aboriginal communities and families to provide more appropriate solutions to family healing.
    5. Requiring that all child-welfare decision makers consider the impact of the residential school experience on children and their caregivers.

Questions? Need Help? 

Contact FIFSW’s Director of EDIIA, Shahana Arain
Office Hours:  12:30-1:30pm Mondays and TuesdaysOffice location: Room 202 

You Matter, Your Well Being is Important! 

If you are a student who needs immediate support, please call the Health & Wellness Centre at (416) 978-8030 to speak with a counsellor.  Counselling is also available through the U of T Telus Health Student Support (formerly MySSP) 24/7 by calling 1 (844) 451-9700.