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Policies & Procedures

The Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work is a member of the School of Graduate Studies. As such, all policies, dates, and deadlines must meet School of Graduate Studies requirements.

Students register for courses online through ACORN.

Academic Integrity Failed Courses
Temporary Leave
Grading Policies Field of Study Selection – Change after deadline Withdrawal from the Program
Absence Due to Illness Disputed Papers & Examinations FIFSW Social Media Policy PDF
Coursework Extensions/Late Assignments Educational Review Reporting Equity, Diversity and Inclusion concerns

Grading Policies

The University Grading Practices Policy is available through the School of Graduate Studies. It defines the grade scale as follows:

Letter Grade Scale

Numerical Scale of Marks


90 – 100%


85 – 89%


80 – 84%


77 – 79%


73 – 76%


70 – 72%


0 – 69%

*FZ = Fail

Written assignments will be graded on their clarity, comprehensiveness, originality, appropriate use of reference materials and technical adequacy. Papers are expected to be of sufficient quality as to represent your growing professionalism and competence. All written work must be typewritten and in APA reference format.


  • Failure to attend classes, complete assignments, or sit for examinations does not constitute official withdrawal.
  • Leaving without completing the official SGS Program Change Form for withdrawal from the program leads to forfeiture of your right to any refund of fees.
  • INC (permanent incomplete) or WDR (withdrawal), if there are medical documentation, is entered for all courses not completed. Withdrawal after the first of March will be regarded as failing the year unless there are extenuating circumstances.
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Absence Due to Illness

Please notify your instructor if illness will interfere with your class attendance.

If illness is likely to interfere with your meeting a due date for an assignment or other requirements, you should have your physician or health care provider complete a Verification of Student Illness or Injury Form at the time of your illness and submit it to the instructor. You must inform the instructor of the illness on or before the deadline date.

Procedures Covering Illness or Other Absences from the Practicum

(See also Temporary Leave from the Faculty)

If you are unable to be in your practicum setting on a practicum day, you must notify your Field Instructor immediately. If unable to reach the Field Instructor, you should notify your Faculty Field Liaison directly or leave a message in the Practicum Office and request assistance. See Practicum Manual for requirements to make up missed time.

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Failed Courses

When a student obtains a grade of FZ or NCR in a course, the student will need to either repeat the course or complete another course successfully to fulfill degree requirements. If the failed course is a required course it must be repeated or it can be replaced by a course with similar content if approved by the Associate Dean, Academic/Graduate Coordinator. If the failed course is an elective, it can be replaced by another elective course.

In the event that a student does not complete two or more required courses, or receives an FZ (inadequate) after repeating any course, normally steps will be taken by the Faculty to recommend the termination of the student’s registration.

Field of Study Selection for Two-year MSW program

Returning two-year MSW students for Fall term must select their Field of Study by the beginning of February in year one. This selection is viewed as a final decision. Students who wish to request a change in Field of Study must do so by mid-April to the email: Field of Study change requests will not be accepted after mid-April.

Students who request a change in Field of Study will be placed on a waiting list, which will remain active until the end of June of year one. Admittance to a new Field of Study from the waitlist will be determined based on availability and waitlist order at the time of initial request. It is the student’s responsibility to check with the Practicum Office to verify alignment between their desired Field of Study and practicum prior to requesting a change.

Disputed Papers and Examinations

Reference section on Academic Appeals.


A student who has failed an examination may be provided with a photocopy of the answer paper in order to review the examination within two weeks of notification of the grade. (Since University regulations require departments to retain all examination papers for one year, they may not be returned to examinees. A nominal charge will be made for locating and photocopying an examination paper upon the student’s request to the Faculty’s General Office).

Educational Review

An Educational Review Committee can be convened if it seems evident to you, your faculty advisor, the Associate Dean, Academic, or your instructor(s), that you are encountering difficulties in achieving the educational and professional learning objectives of yourself and the Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work (FIFSW). In general FIFSW students’ learning and behaviour will be guided by standards that are congruent with the Canadian Association for Social Work Education (CASWE) Code of Ethics.

Examples of educational and professional learning objectives may include:

  • Academic competence in course work assignments;
  • Professional behaviour related to academic activities, including time management and respectful classroom behaviour with peers and instructor;
  • Appropriate, respectful organizational interactions outside class with teaching faculty, current or potential field instructors, administrative staff and other students;
  • Practicum behaviour at a sufficient level of demonstrated professional competence when working with or on behalf of clients, organizations and other practitioners (including field educators and other students).

You may need to consider rescheduling your academic work, developing a modified program, or making other changes that Faculty policies may accommodate. A review goes beyond the regular process of program advising and assessment.

  • When appointed, you and your Educational Review Committee will go over your program and progress and decide what amendments, if any, to recommend in your program.
  • The Educational Review Committee does not approve grades or act as an appeal body, but provides a forum for mutual problem-solving.
  • The Committee is convened at your request, or on the initiative of your faculty advisor, or the Associate Dean, Academic.
  • The Associate Dean, Academic invites those persons appropriately related to the purpose of the meeting (faculty, field instructor, field liaison, yourself). You should discuss this membership with the Associate Dean, Academic.
  • The Associate Dean, Academic chairs the meeting.
  • Minutes and recommendations of the meeting are recorded and a copy is filed in your docket.
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Temporary Leave

For exceptional health problems or serious personal circumstances, and for parental leave to provide full time care in the first year of parenting a new child, a student may apply for a pause in his/her studies of up to three consecutive terms (fall, winter and summer). To apply for a leave download the School of Graduate Studies Leave of Absence form. Normally the start and finish of the leave would coincide with the beginning or end of the session. 

Withdrawal From the Program

If you decide to withdraw from the program, the procedure is as follows:

  1. Complete a School of Graduate Studies Program Withdrawal Form available from the School of Graduate Studies website.
  2. Rebate of fees, if any, is determined by the date on which your withdrawal form is received at the SGS. Charges for fees are pro-rated from the beginning of the academic year to the effective date of withdrawal on the basis of a twenty-week program. Your full academic fee will be refunded if you withdraw during the first two weeks of the program. Incidental fees are not refundable after December 31st.
  3. The Program Withdrawal Form is signed by the Associate Dean, Academic/Graduate Coordinator and is sent to the School of Graduate Studies for final approval. Fees are refunded based on the date that the School of Graduate Studies receives the Program Withdrawal form, for processing.
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