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Course Terminology

Full-credit and Half-credit Courses

Graduate course: is understood to require three hour weekly lectures or seminars over 26 weeks. In the Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work a half-credit course generally refers to a unit of instruction of three hours a week extending over a single session of 13 or 14 weeks.

Course Codes

Alphabetical character after the course number: indicates the time period within which the course is offered. Fall Session (F); Winter Session (S); Full Session (Y); a half-course (H) may be offered in either the Fall or Winter Sessions.

Required course: one which must be taken in order to complete your degree. If you have achieved good standing in essentially the same course content before entering FIFSW, you might want to discuss a substitution. Approval is required from the course instructor and from the Associate Dean, Academic for the exemption and the alternate course substitution. See the Faculty Registrar, Room 252 about procedures to follow and forms to complete.

Elective course:  gives you an opportunity to choose among several courses when arranging your degree program. Elective courses are located within the curriculum of the Faculty or may be relevant courses in other graduate departments of the University that receive approval of the Associate Dean, Academic.

Extra course: one which you choose to take in addition to the required and elective courses comprising your program of study. These courses are subject to the same SGS regulations regarding withdrawal and satisfactory completion of work as are courses required for your degree. There is no added fee to take an additional course while completing degree requirements.

Outside department course: offered in another graduate program may be approved by the Associate Dean, Academic and with permission from the outside department as either an elective for the degree or as an extra course. No more than two half-credit courses may be taken from outside the Faculty for credit towards the MSW degree. Click here for procedure.

Auditing:  as a registered student in the FIFSW you may audit graduate courses without formal enrollment provided you have the instructor’s consent. Auditing permits class attendance but your work is not evaluated and no record of attendance appears on your transcript.

Special Studies course designation:  refers to a course which is intended to meet particular needs or interests and is not available in other graduate courses offered at the University. A special studies course typically is offered on a specific topic. This option is limited by faculty resources and time constraints of potential instructors. We encourage student initiative in identifying the need for this type of course. Contact the Associate Dean, Academic or MSW Studies Committee to discuss this option.

Directed Reading/Research course: a type of special studies course that is individually developed, with one or a few students. It should involve as much reading and written work as a regular graduate level course and the frequency of your meetings with your instructor also should be consistent with other courses. Visit the Course Registration page for instructions.

The Practicum is classified as a half-credit course (H) in Year I of the MSW program and as a full-credit course (Y) in Year II. The Year II practicum, SWK4702Y Social Work Practicum II typically starts in September and ends in early April. A credit (CR) is noted on the student transcript at the end of the session in which the practicum is completed. If the practicum commences in the Fall Session (IPR) in progress is noted at the end of the Fall Session as a permanent standing on the transcript.