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McMaster Children’s Hospital, Hamilton

Year 2 Practicum

September 2025- April 2026

Name of Practicum Site, Unit or Program:

Pediatric Chronic Pain Program


McMaster Children’s Hospital, Hamilton Health Sciences – 1200 Main St W, Hamilton, ON

Description of the practicum site and student activities:

Psychosocial assessments, individual therapy, psychoeducational groups, interdisciplinary team collaboration, program development/evaluation

Practicum Requirements:

(Click on all the boxes that apply.)

☒ Immunizations per PHA Guidelines

☒ N95 Respirator/Mask Fitting

☐  Covid Vaccinations

☐ Influenza Vaccination (Flu shot)

☒ Police Reference/Vulnerable Sector Check

☐ Driver’s License

☐ Use of Own Car

☐ Travel by public transportation between home visits, or satellite offices, or community meetings, etc.

☐ Comfort working with the population being served

☐ Comprehensive report writing and documentation

☐ Lived experience/Current member of the community being served

☐ Evening attendance

☐ Weekend attendance

☐ Changing shift attendance

☐ Language (specify in field below)

Other requirements:


Please select Fields(s) of Study:

(click on all boxes that apply.)

☒ Children and their Families

☐ Social Justice and Diversity

☒ Mental Health and Health

☐ Social Work in Gerontology

☐ Human Services Management & Leadership

Does your practicum require any previous experience?

(If yes, please specify.)


Is this practicum in-person, remote or hybrid?

  • Hybrid (1-2 days in person/remote)
  • Practicum can be completed Wed-Fri but it is preferred the student can attend some Tues for their learning benefit; I am flexible to accommodate a student’s changing schedule (ie if they can only come a few Tuesdays we can adjust their schedule as needed)

Will this practicum involve direct work or a mix of direct and indirect?

Mix of direct and indirect (mostly direct)

Number of practicums offered:


Field Instructor name and credentials:

Serena Goel, MSW, RSW

Application deadline:

March 19, 2025

Do you require a resume? Or resume and cover letter?


Accessibility Considerations:

  • Will the student have access to a private space for notes or computer use? Yes
  • Are there breaks between clients/patients/meetings? Yes
  • Is the practicum considered fast-paced? Medium
  • Is there a high noise level in the practicum? Low
  • Is the site wheelchair accessible? Yes
  • What are the physical demands of the practicum? N/A
  • Are there any other accessibility considerations that potential applicants with disabilities should be aware of? N/A

To apply for this practicum, please send a resume to by 4 pm March 19, 2025. Applications will be sent to the site.

Return to Practicum 2 Off-PAS Opportunities, 2025 – 2026