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Women’s College Hospital Academic Family Health Team

Year 2 Practicum

April- August 2025

Name of Practicum Site, Unit or Program:

Women’s College Hospital Academic Family Health Team

Location: 77 Grenville Street, Toronto, ON

(College and Bay)

Description of the practicum site and student activities:

Large, downtown, hospital-affiliated academic family health team. Diverse population reflecting population of inner-city as well as commuters and government workers whose family physician is located at our practice.

Primarily providing short term individual and group counselling and psychotherapy for a broad range of issues including depression, anxiety, relationships, work stress, grief, trauma, adjusting to a new diagnosis. Will also include assisting clients needing to access resources, referrals in the community. We work with clients aged 16 and up, including seniors.

Practicum Requirements:

(Click on all the boxes that apply.)

☒ Immunizations per PHA Guidelines

☒ N95 Respirator/Mask Fitting (can be done onsite)

☒ Comfort working with the population being served

☒ Comprehensive report writing and documentation

Other requirements:


For Year 2 Practicums only, select Fields(s) of Study:

(click on all boxes that apply)

☐ Children and their Families

☐ Social Justice and Diversity

☒ Mental Health and Health

☒ Social Work in Gerontology

☐ Human Services Management & Leadership

Does your practicum require any previous experience?

Yes, some experience working directly with clients in some capacity.

Is this practicum in-person, remote or hybrid?


Will this practicum involve direct work or a mix of direct and indirect?

Mostly direct work

Number of practicums offered:


Field Instructor name and credentials:

Karen Burrell RSW

Chantal Simms RSW

Application deadline:

March 7, 2025

Do you require a resume? Or resume and cover letter?


Accessibility Considerations:

  • Will the student have access to a private space for notes or computer use? Yes
  • Are there breaks between clients/patients/meetings? Yes
  • Is the practicum considered fast-paced? Medium
  • Is there a high noise level in the practicum? Low
  • Is the site wheelchair accessible? Yes
  • What are the physical demands of the practicum?

Mostly sitting either for sessions or in front of computer

  • Are there any other accessibility considerations that potential applicants with disabilities should be aware of?

Requires comfort meeting with clients face-to-face

To submit an application, please send a cover letter and resume to by 4pm on March 7, 2025. Application will be sent to the site.

Return to Summer Practicum Off-PAS Opportunities, 2024 – 2025