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Coursework Extensions/Late Assignments

Updated May 17, 2024

Student and instructor communicate about the extension request in advance of assignment due date and agree upon the extension length. Coursework extensions can be requested for:

  1. Non-disability related reasons: sudden/acute/temporary illness; emergency situation; religious observance
  2. Disability related reasons: accommodations approved by Accessibility Services

For Extension Requests WITHIN the Academic Session

With instructor agreement of an extension, the student completes the Online Coursework Extension Form. Documentations required:

  1. Non-disability related health reasons: Student need to provide  A Verification of Illness  (VOI: also known as a “doctor’s note”).
  2. Disability related reasons: students registered with Accessibility Services are encouraged to provide a Letter of Accommodation a week before the original due date to approve up to a one-week extension on assignments. If there is a disability-related rationale for an extension beyond one week on file, please connect with your Accessibility Advisor to discuss the process and communication re: the request.

For Extension Requests BEYOND  the Academic Session

Students requesting a coursework extension beyond an academic session (after the deadline date when course grades are submitted to SGS) are required to complete an School of Graduate Studies Extension to Complete Coursework Form. This form must be filled out by the student, signed by the instructor, and approved by the MSW or PhD Program Director prior to being sent for SGS approval. If you are registered with Accessibility Services and the request is disability-related, please connect with your Accessibility Advisor to discuss the process and communication re: the request.

  1. Student fills out page 1 (including section 1) of the Extension to Complete Coursework Form
  2. Student submits the form to their instructor who fills out and signs section 2 of the form
  3. Instructor submits the form to MSW or PhD Program Director for approval

Please note that late assignment penalties will apply to assignments that are handed in late without having received coursework extension approval. These are noted in the course syllabus.

Contact the Academic Success Centre for skill building around time management, procrastination, and perfectionism, as well as preparing for specific kinds of academic tasks/assignments including group work, reducing/managing distraction, balancing academic/practicum work with life responsibilities and treatment, etc.