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Practicum Manual

FIFSW’s Practicum Manual provides detailed information for both students and field instructors about the practicum process, and about the two courses, Practicum 1 (SWK 4701) and Practicum 2 (SWK 4702). It should be read in full before the practicum begins and can act as a helpful reference tool while the practicum is underway.

The contents of the manual were developed with input from students, field instructors, and faculty-field liaisons (FFLs). If you have suggestions for further improvements, please contact the Practicum Office.

About Practicum

Guidelines and Procedures

Evaluation and Feedback

Course Information

Time Requirements

Matching Process


Ontario’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve. Changes will likely occur as the province and its municipalities adjust to new data about the virus. In these circumstances, please be advised that the manner of delivery of courses, co-curricular opportunities, programs, and services is subject to change, in accordance with university policies. The University thanks its students, faculty, and staff for their flexibility during these challenging times as we work together to maintain the standards of excellence that are the hallmark of the University.