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Year 1 of the 2-Year MSW Full-Time Program – Fall 2023 and Winter 2024

(Last updated December 18, 2023)


Year 1 of the 2-Year MSW Full-Time Program – Fall 2023 and Winter 2024

All courses are subject to sufficient enrollment. Click on Course Number for Course Description. Click on Instructor for Instructor’s Bio.

Our policy is that after the first week of classes the first year sections are set. We do not allow switches unless there are major extenuating circumstances.

Lunch & Meetings (Fall & Winter Terms)   M 12-1:30
GSA Activities (Fall & Winter Terms)          T 12-1:30

Room Codes & Address:
SK- (FIFSW, 246 Bloor St. W)
OI- (OISE, 252 Bloor St. West)
FE-(371 Bloor Street West)
WW-(Woodsworth College 117/119 St. George Street Toronto)

The University of Toronto delivers academic courses and programs through an in-person learning environment.  All students should therefore plan to attend on-campus activities in-person in order to successfully complete their program and degree unless: (i) students have been approved by the University to participate in off-campus activities (such as study abroad or work terms), or (ii) the calendar entry for a program/degree explicitly states that no in-person activities are required.

 While the University strives to maintain an in-person learning environment, the University reserves the right to alter the manner in which it delivers its courses and co-curricular opportunities in response to health and safety emergencies and public health guidance.  

MSW Year 1 Fall Timetable
Course Code Section Code Meeting Section Course Title Day/Time Instructor
SWK4102H F 0101

Social Policy & Social Welfare in the Canadian Context

T 1:30-4:30

Zuberi, D. (Coord.)

0201 T 1:30-4:30

Ready, C.

0301 T 1:30-4:30

Doll, K./Zuberi, D.

0401 T 1:30-4:30

Lenz, P./Zuberi, D.

0501 T 1:30-4:30

Schmidt, C./Zuberi, D.

0601 T 1:30-4:30

Granofsky, T.

SWK4103H F 0101

Elements of Social Work Practice
*choose the same meeting section as SWK4105H

W 9-12

Adia, M.

0201 W 9-12

Ganson, K. (Coord.)

0301 W 9-12

O’Connor, C./Ganson, K.

0401 W 9-12

Francis, R.

0501 TH 9-12

Tsang, T. 

0601 TH 9-12

McNeil, S.

0701 TH 9-12

Hussain, A./Ganson, K.

0801 TH 9-12

Ichikawa, V./Ganson, K.

0901 TH 9-12

West, K./Ganson, K.

SWK4105H F 0101

Social Work Practice Laboratory

*choose the same meeting section as SWK4103H

W 1-4

Adia, M.

0201 W 1-4

Ganson, K.(Coord.)

0301 W 1-4

O’Connor, C./Ganson, K.

0401 W 1-4

Francis, R.

0501 TH 1-4

Tsang, T.

0601 TH 1-4

McNeil, S.

0701 TH 1-4

Hussain, A./Ganson, K.

0801 TH 1-4

Ichikawa, V./Ganson, K.

0901 TH 1-4

West, K./Ganson, K.

SWK4107H F 0101

Foundations of Social Work: Knowledge, Theory and Values that Inform Practice

M 1:30-4:30

 King, B. (Coord.)

0201 M 1:30-4:30

Quinn, A.

0301 M 1:30-4:30

Sharpe, T.

0401 M 1:30-4:30

Taylor, H.

0501 M 1:30-4:30

Mandarino, K.

0601 M 1:30-4:30

Ready. C.

SWK4602H F 0101

Social Work Practice with Groups

M 9-12

Tsang, K. (Coord.)

0201 M 9-12

Muskat, B.

0301 M 9-12

Gray, M./Tsang, T.

0401 M 9-12

Qiyomiddin, K./Tsang, T.

0501 M 9-12

Tan, W./Tsang, T.

0601 M 9-12

Francoeur, V.

Course Code Section Code Meeting Section Course Title Day/Time Instructor
MSW Year 1 Winter Timetable
Course Code Section Code Meeting Section Course Title Day/Time Instructor
SWK4510H S 0601

Research for Evidence-Based Social Work Practice. Additional section of this course will be offered in Summer April – June 2024.

M 1:30-4:30

Fuller-Thomson, E. (Coord.)

0701 M 1:30-4:30

Taylor, H.

0801 M 1:30-4:30

Serenko, N.

0901 ASYNC

Xue, J.

1001 ASYNC

Newman, P.

SWK4605H S 0101

Social Work Practice with Individuals & Families


T 9-12

King, B. (Coord.)

0201 T 9-12

Tsang, T.

0301 T 9-12

Muskat, B.

0401 T 9-12

Azzopardi, C.

0501 T 9-12

Lucas, V./King, B.

0601 T 9-12

Pascoe, R./King, B.

SWK4654H S 0101

Social Work Practice with Organizations & Communities

T 1:30-4:30pm

Sharpe, T.  (Coord.)

0201 T 1:30-4:30pm

Ready, C.

0301 T 1:30-4:30pm

Chandrasekera, U.

0401 T 1:30-4:30pm

White, R.

0501 T 1:30-4:30pm

Schmidt, C./Sharpe, T.

0601 T 1:30-4:30pm

Zhao, K./Sharpe, T.

SWK4701H S 0101

Social Work Practicum I (January to May)

W, TH, F 9-5


Course Code Section Code Meeting Section Course Title Day/Time Instructor