Rachael Pascoe (she/her) is a SSHRC-funded fifth year PhD student at the Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work at the University of Toronto. In 2012, Rachael obtained her Honours Bachleor of Arts from the University of Toronto, specializing in Health Studies, with minors in Anthropology and Psychology. She earned her Master of Social Work degree from the University of Toronto in 2014 and has social work practice experience in the fields of concurrent disorders, violence prevention, and trauma-specific therapy. Rachael’s clinical experience involving children and youth who have experienced interpersonal violence and adolescents who have sexually harmed, has informed her intended PhD Dissertation research. She developed and cofacilitates the Radius Child and Youth Services Group Therapy program for adolescents who have sexually offended. Her dissertation concerns conducting intervention research to explore the effects of group therapy on feelings of shame, conceptualizations of masculinity, and hope for a productive future for male adolescents who have sexually offended. Rachael is passionate about social work groups, having served as an executive member and, more recently, co-chair, for the Ontario Regional Groupworkers Network (formerly TRGN), a chapter of the International Association for Social Work for Groups since 2014. Rachael has worked as a research assistant for a number of projects at FIFSW, most notably as the Clinical Evaluation Specialist for the PHAC-funded Clinical Evaluation Study: Project Youth AFFIRM, an affirmative CBT group intervention for LGBTQ+ youth developed by Dr. Shelley Craig and Dr. Ashley Austin. Rachael’s research interests include clinical interventions with historically underserved youth.
Craig, SL, Iacono, G., McInroy, L., Kirkland, A., Pascoe, R., & Kourgiantakis, T., (2022). Teaching LGBTQ+ Affirmative Practice in Groups: Developing Competence Through Simulation-Based Learning. Clinical Social Work.
Craig, SL, Pascoe, R, Iacono, G., Pang, N., & Pearson, A. (2022). Assessing the fidelity of an affirmative cognitive behavioral group intervention. Research on Social Work Practice
Henriques, E., Schmidt, C., Pascoe, R. Liss, K., Begun, S. (2022). Counter-narratives of pregnancy stigma and resistance for youth experiencing homelessness. Qualitative Health Research.
Pascoe, R.V., & Craig, S.L. (2022). Uniting in treatment and redefining our lives: Group therapy practice for adolescents who have sexually harmed. In J. Currin-McCulloch, G. Tully, & K. Saldhana (Eds.), The International Association for Social Work with Groups 2019-2020 Symposium Proceedings. Whiting and Birch.
Craig, S.L., Eaton, A.D., Kirkland, A., Egag, E., Pascoe, R., King, K., & Krishnan, S. (2021). Towards an integrative self: A digital photo elicitation study of resilience among key marginalized populations of sexual and gender minority youth, International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being, 16:1, 1961572, DOI: 10.1080/17482631.2021.1961572
Craig, S. L., Leung, V. W., Pascoe, R., Pang, N., Iacono, G., Austin, A., & Dillon, F. (2021). AFFIRM Online: Utilising an Affirmative Cognitive–Behavioural Digital Intervention to Improve Mental Health, Access, and Engagement among LGBTQA+ Youth and Young Adults. International journal of environmental research and public health, 18(4), 1541.
Craig, S. L., Iacono, G., Pascoe, R., & Austin, A. (2021). Adapting clinical skills to telehealth: Applications of affirmative cognitive-behavioral therapy with LGBTQ+ youth. Clinical Social Work Journal, 1-13.
Craig, S. L., Iacono, G., & Pascoe, R. (2020). The Delivery of Technology-Mediated Affirmative Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Groups to LGBTQ+ Youth During a Pandemic: A Practice Innovation. Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health.
Iacono, G., Craig, S. L., & Pascoe, R. (2021). Critical reflections and reflexivity on responding to the needs of LGBTQ+ youth in a global pandemic. Qualitative Social Work, 20(1-2), 479-486.
Craig S. L., Eaton A. D., Pascoe R., Egag E., McInroy L. B., Fang L., Austin A., Dentato M. P. (2020). QueerVIEW: Protocol for a technology-mediated qualitative photo elicitation study with sexual and gender minority youth in Ontario, Canada. JMIR Research Protocols, 9(11), e20547.
Craig, S. L., Leung, V.W.Y, Pascoe, R., Pang, N.,Iacono, G., Austin, A., & Dillon, F. (2021). AFFIRM Online: Utilizing an affirmative cognitive-behavioural digital
intervention to improve mental health, access and engagement among LGBTQA+
youth and young adults. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.
Pascoe, R.V. & Nicholls, R.L. (2019). A Narrative of Hope in Group Therapy with Adolescents Who have Sexually Harmed. Social Work with Groups special issue Making Waves: Group Work Stories of Social Justice. 43(3-4).
Pascoe, R. (2016). Case Study of a Trauma Informed Concurrent Disorder Group. In W. Pelech, R. Basso, & C. Lee, Inclusive Group Work (p. 219-230). New York: Oxford University Press.
Pascoe, R. (2015). The Theory of Trauma-Informed Approaches for Substance Use: Implementing a Seeking Safety Group. In W. Pelech, K. Ring, & S. LaRocque (Ed.), Proceedings of the XXXVI Annual Symposium of the International Association for Social Work with Groups. Calgary: International Association of Social Work with Groups. Print.
Pascoe, R. V., Rush, B., & Rotondi, N. K. (2013). Wait times for publicly funded addiction and problem gambling treatment agencies in Ontario, Canada. BMC Health Services Research, 13(483).