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Year 1 of the 2-Year MSW Full-Time Program – Fall 2021 and Winter 2022

(Last updated December 1, 2021)

All courses are subject to sufficient enrollment. Click on Course Number for Course Description. Click on Instructor for Instructor’s Bio.

Our policy is that after the first week of classes the first year sections are set. We do not allow switches unless there are major extenuating circumstances.

Lunch & Meetings (Fall & Winter Terms)   M 12-1:30
GSA Activities (Fall & Winter Terms)          T 12-1:30

Ontario’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve. Changes will likely occur as the province and its municipalities adjust to new data about the virus. In these circumstances, please be advised that the manner of delivery of courses, co-curricular opportunities, programs, and services is subject to change, in accordance with university policies. The University thanks its students, faculty, and staff for their flexibility during these challenging times as we work together to maintain the standards of excellence that are the hallmark of the University.

MSW Year 1 Fall Timetable
Course Code Section Code Meeting Section Course Title Day/Time Instructor
SWK4102H F 0101

Social Policy & Social Welfare in the Canadian Context

T 2-5

Begun, S. (Coordinator)

0201 T 2-5

Zuberi, D.

0301 T 2-5

Ready, C.

0401 T 2-5

Turpin, A./Begun, S./

0501 T 2-5

Chandrasekera, U.

0601 T 2-5

Fahim, M

SWK4103H F 0101

Elements of Social Work Practice
*choose the same meeting section as SWK4105H

W 9-12

Lyons, O./Tsang, T.

0201 W 9-12

Alaggia, R.

0301 W 9-12

O’Connor, C./Tsang, T.

0401 W 9-12

Ganson, K.

0501 W 9-12

Pitt, G.

0601 TH 9-12

Tsang, T.   (Coord.)

0701 TH 9-12

Azzopardi, C.

0801 TH 9-12

Jenney, A.

0901 TH 9-12

Eaton, A.

SWK4105H F 0101

Social Work Practice Laboratory

*choose the same meeting section as SWK4103H

W 1-4

Lyons, O./Tsang, T.

0201 W 1-4

Alaggia, R.

0301 W 1-4

O’Connor, C./Tsang, T.

0401 W 1-4

Ganson, K.

0501 W 1-4

Pitt, G.

0601 TH 1-4

Tsang, T.  (Coord.)

0701 TH 1-4

Azzopardi, C.

0801 TH 1-4

Jenney, A.

0901 TH 1-4

Eaton, A.

SWK4107H F 0101

Foundations of Social Work: Knowledge, Theory and Values that Inform Practice

M 1:30-4:30

King, B. (Coordinator)

0201 M 1:30-4:30

Sharpe, T.

0301 M 1:30-4:30

Taylor, H.

0401 M 1:30-4:30

Mandarino, K.

0501 M 1:30-4:30

Ready, C.

0601 M 1:30-4:30

Grose, T.

SWK4602H F 0101

Social Work Practice with Groups

M 9-12

Tsang, T. (Coordinator)

0201 M 9-12

Muskat, B.

0301 M 9-12

Leung, W./Tsang, T.

0401 M 9-12

Sawyer, J./Tsang, T.

0501 M 9-12

Qiyomiddin, K./Tsang, T.

0601 M 9-12

Tan, W./Tsang, T.

Course Code Section Code Meeting Section Course Title Day/Time Instructor
MSW Year 1 Winter Timetable
Course Code Section Code Meeting Section Course Title Day/Time Instructor
SWK4510H S 0501

Research for Evidence-Based Social Work Practice

*Additional sections of this course will be offered in Summer (April – June 2022)

M 9-12

Popova, L.

0601 M 1:30-4:30

Adamson, K. (Coordinator)

0701 M 1:30-4:30

Taylor, H.

0801 Web-based

Black, T.

0901 Web-based

Popova, L.

SWK4605H S 0101

Social Work Practice with Individuals & Families

*One section of this course will be offered in Summer (April – June 2022)

T 9-12

Ganson, K.

0201 T 9-12

King, B. (Coord.)

0301 T 9-12

Mishna, F.

0401 T 9-12

Tsang, T.

0501 T 9-12

Muskat, B.

0601 T 9-12

Burnes, D.

SWK4654H S 0101

Social Work Practice with Organizations & Communities

T 1:30-4:30

Sharpe, T. (Coordinator)

0201 T 1:30-4:30

Bhuyan, R.

0301 T 1:30-4:30

Shier, M.

0401 T 1:30-4:30

Ready, C.

0501 T 1:30-4:30

Chandrasekera, U.

0601 T 1:30-4:30

Eizadirad, A.

SWK4701H S 0101

Social Work Practicum I (January to May)

W, TH, F 9-5
Course Code Section Code Meeting Section Course Title Day/Time Instructor