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News Category: Research

Carmen Logie promotes arts-based methods for illuminating gender in community-based research

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The Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)’s Institute of Gender and Health publishes a “Meet the Methods […]

Micheal Shier is named Canada Research Chair in Social Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship in the Human Services

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Associate Professor Micheal Shier is among the new Canada Research Chairs (CRC) that were announced June 2 […]

Social work professors collaborate with community organizations to explore experiences of anti-Asian racism and develop strategies to address the crisis

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  A few weeks before the pandemic officially began, recent Master of Social Work graduate Kennes Lin […]

Rethinking family caregiving: Q&A with Charmaine Williams, director of the Family Caregiving Project  

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  The Family Caregiving Project, led by Professor Charmaine Williams, is a multi-year research study exploring the […]

Peter Newman examines the parallels between HIV and COVID-19 — and makes the case for a biosocial approach

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Professor Peter A. Newman has devoted two decades to HIV research, contributing to a wealth of expertise […]

The pandemic forced health-care providers to move to virtual appointments. Rachelle Ashcroft’s research with both providers and patients offers critical insights for the future

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When the pandemic forced family doctors and the other healthcare providers working in primary care teams to […]

Breaking down silos and building connections towards meaningful change for immigrant families in the child welfare system

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  Shaoli Choudhury works with women and children who have experienced domestic violence, and she knows how […]

Carmen Logie is using data science to rethink water practices and equity in India through a collaborative, cross-disciplinary project funded by U of T’s Data Sciences Institute

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The Data Sciences Institute (DSI) at the University of Toronto has announced funding for 17 cross-disciplinary research […]

The art of knowledge translation: Lori Chambers examines the use of film and spoken word performance in social work research and practice

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(Above: still image from the Because She Cares spoken word film series, courtesy of the Because She […]

A new report and interactive map from The CRIB illustrates the disproportionate prevalence of homicides in predominately Black neighbourhoods in Toronto

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As of January 9th, six known homicides had already occurred in Toronto in 2022 — a statistic […]