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News Category: Carmen Logie

Carmen Logie receives federal funding for research on arts-based-approaches to building resilience and preparedness amid the pandemic


  Associate Professor Carmen Logie is among six University of Toronto researchers that have been awarded federal […]

From Canada to Uganda and beyond: U of T researchers receive funding for COVID-19 projects

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  Since early June, more than 7,000 refugees and displaced persons have arrived in the African nation […]

Newly funded COVID-19-related research will build knowledge on prevention and care

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To address the health challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada and around the globe, the Government […]

When pandemics collide: FIFSW professors refocus on HIV in the COVID-19 era

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Amid singular attention to the COVID-19 emergency, three FIFSW professors are calling attention to the other major […]

New podcast by Associate Professor Carmen Logie explores why stigma matters and what we can do about it


Associate Professor Carmen Logie has launched a new podcast focused on stigma. Each episode features a different […]

Two FIFSW professors — Peter A. Newman and Carmen Logie — have articles in a special issue of Journal of the International AIDS Society

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FIFSW faculty members Professor Peter Newman and Associate Professor Carmen Logie have published articles in a special […]

Bryan Adams’ recent twitter comments exacerbate harmful stereotypes, Associate Professor Carmen Logie tells The Canadian Press

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Bryan Adams’ recent twitter remarks exacerbate harmful stereotypes and contributes to the spread disinformation, says Associate Professor […]

COVID-19 public health measures may exacerbate stigma. Associate Professor Carmen Logie offers possible ways forward


  Public efforts to slow the spread of COVID-19 can also further stigmatize vulnerable populations, but there […]

Associate Professor Carmen Logie on prejudice and fear in the wake of COVID-19

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While a greater number of people across Canada are continuing to practice social distancing, some restaurants have […]

‘Show up for people’: Associate Professor Carmen Logie on what’s fueling xenophobia amid the coronavirus outbreak

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  The risk of catching the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) in Canada many other countries remains low, but […]