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Ran Hu, PhD student, receives the Feminist Manuscript Award by CSWE



Ran Hu, a third-year FIFSW PhD student, is the recipient of the 2019 Feminist Manuscript Award presented at the Council of Social Work Education (CSWE). The Feminist Manuscript Award is awarded to an accepted Annual Program Meeting (APM) proposal “that advances feminist knowledge and is written by a scholar who shows dedication to feminism as it pertains to social work theory, research, practice, policy, and education”.

Prof. Carmen Logie interviewed by Xtra Magazine

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Carmen Logie, FIFSW Associate Professor and the Canada Research Chair in global health equity and social justice with marginalized populations, tells Xtra that based on her research, bisexual women are more likely to report sexual abuse and transactional sex and less likely to receive appropriate sexual health advice in comparison to other women and sexual minorities.