VIDEO: Dietary Supplements for Muscle-Building and Weight Loss: Addressing Knowledge and Policy Gaps
Categories: Kyle Ganson, ResearchPresented by Kyle T. Ganson, PhD, MSW and Eliana Sinicropi, MPPc, this webinar provided updated research on the use of muscle-building and weight loss dietary supplements among Canadian adolescents and young adults, as well as known adverse effects associated with use.
Information on the current public policy related to dietary supplements in Canada was also discussed, including the gaps that put young people at risk. Recommendations based on prior research and other jurisdictions were outlined to address these gaps.
This webinar was co-sponsored by the Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work and the National Eating Disorder Information Centre (NEDIC). This policy analysis and webinar were funded by The Richard B. Applied Social Policy and Social Innovation Fund (#307646)
For more information, contact Dr. Kyle Ganson:
Download and review our Policy Brief.
Link to the Policy Brief.
Relevant research
Ganson, K. T., Hallward, L., Testa, A., Jackson, D. B., & Nagata, J. M. (2023). Eating Behaviors Prevalence and correlates of dry scooping: Results from the Canadian Study of Adolescent Health Behaviors. Eating Behaviors, 48(November 2022), 101705.
Ganson, K. T., Hallward, L., Cunningham, M. L., Murray, S. B., Nagata, J. M., Ganson, K. T., Hallward, L., Cunningham, M. L., & Murray, S. B. (2022). Use of Legal Appearance- and Performance- Enhancing Drugs and Substances: Findings from the Canadian Study of Adolescent Health Behaviors Use of Legal Appearance- and Performance-Enhancing Drugs Health Behaviors. Substance Use & Misuse, 0(0), 1–9.
Ganson, K. T., Cunningham, M. L., Murray, S. B., & Nagata, J. M. (2022). Use of appearance- and performance-enhancing drugs and substances is associated with eating disorder symptomatology among U.S. college students. Eating and Weight Disorders – Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity.
Ganson, K. T., Jackson, D. B., Testa, A., & Nagata, J. M. (2022). Performance-Enhancing Substance Use and Intimate Partner Violence: A Prospective Cohort Study. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 0(0), 088626052110730.
Ganson, K. T., Testa, A., Jackson, D. B., & Nagata, J. M. (2021). Performance-enhancing substance use and criminal offending : A 15-year prospective cohort study. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 226(June), 108832.
Ganson, K. T., Jackson, D. B., Testa, A., Murnane, P. M., & Nagata, J. M. (2021). Performance-Enhancing Substance Use and Sexual Risk Behaviors among U.S. Men: Results from a Prospective Cohort Study. The Journal of Sex Research, 00(00), 1–7.
Ganson, K. T., Mitchison, D., Murray, S. B., & Nagata, J. M. (2020). Legal performance-enhancing substances and substance use problems among young adults. Pediatrics, 146(3), e20200409.