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News Category: Carmen Logie

Prof. Carmen Logie on sex education and young people with disabilities

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Prof. Carmen Logie Global News interview

Prof. Carmen Logie interviewed by Xtra Magazine

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Carmen Logie, FIFSW Associate Professor and the Canada Research Chair in global health equity and social justice with marginalized populations, tells Xtra that based on her research, bisexual women are more likely to report sexual abuse and transactional sex and less likely to receive appropriate sexual health advice in comparison to other women and sexual minorities.

Prof. Carmen Logie launches Ugandan storytelling project

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In Uganda’s Bidi Bidi refugee camp, which houses more than 225,000 internally displaced people and refugees, adolescents and youths will soon be able to share their experiences through digitally drawn images.

The project, led by the University of Toronto’s Carmen Logie, involves creating tablet apps that will allow the camp’s young people to describe their personal experiences with things like gender-based violence, as well as issues like body image and autonomy.

CBC News highlights a new study, co-authored by Carmen Logie, on northern LGBTQ youth and adults

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Researchers have found that northerners deal with inaccurate assumptions about their gender and sexual identity at the doctor’s office — and that could be bad for their sexual health care.

A new study published in the journal Health and Social Care in the Community based its findings on interviews done in 2015 with 37 LGBTQ youth and adults, and health care and support providers who work with them.

SSWR Conference 2017: Ensure Healthy Development for All Youth

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  The Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR) advances, disseminates, and translates research that addresses issues […]

Profs. Brennan and Logie named SSWR Fellows for 2017

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Fellows of the Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR) 2017 class include Professor David Brennan and Professor Carmen Logie.

SSWR Fellows are members who have served with distinction to advance the mission of the Society — to advance, disseminate, and translate research that addresses issues of social work practice and policy and promotes a diverse, equitable and just society.