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The Ward Bursary
One or more awards for a MSW Program student on the basis of financial need and Ontario residency. Must meet OSOTF II requirements.
Ontario Student Opportunity Trust Fund (OSOTF II)
To be eligible , students must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents and satisfy one of the following criteria:
1) student has always resided in Ontario;
2) Ontario is the last province that the student has resided in for 12 consecutive months without being a full-time post-secondary student;
3) student who is considered married for OSAP purposes can be considered an Ontario resident if the student’s partner has resided in Ontario for at least 12 consecutive months immediately before the last day of the month in which classes began for the student’s most recent period of full-time post-secondary studies and during this time, the student’s partner was not enrolled in full-time post-secondary studies;
4) a single dependent student can be considered an Ontario resident if the student’s parent(s), step-parent(s), legal guardian(s), or official sponsor(s) has resided in Ontario for at least 12 consecutive months immediately before the last day of the month in which classes began for the student’s most recent period of full-time post-secondary studies.