Margaret MacAdam
Margaret MacAdam provides research, policy development, strategic planning and consultation services on a range of issues affecting policy and service delivery in gerontology. Her clients range from provincial and national ministries to national associations and private companies interested in providing services to the elderly.
Dr. MacAdam received her Ph.D. in health policy and aging at the Florence Heller School, Brandeis University, Massachusetts in 1987. Her awarding-winning dissertation of the risk factors of nursing home use was the first to include a measure of family decision-making as a significant factor in nursing home admission.
Prior to starting The Age Advantage, Dr. MacAdam served as Senior Vice President, and Vice President, Community Services, Baycrest Centre for Geriatric Care, in Toronto.
In 1998/99, she was seconded to Health Canada in Ottawa to work on national home care development issues as part of Minister Rock’s commitment to improving the health care system for Canadians. Health Canada published her report on home care worker recruitment and retention issues in 1999. Before moving back to Canada, Dr. MacAdam served as Associate Research Professor at the Health Policy Institute, Brandeis University, Massachusetts. At the Health Policy Institute, her work concentrated on research on effective strategies to assist seniors with chronic conditions to remain at home as long as possible.