Prof. Peter A. Newman leads UNICEF report on HIV among adolescents and youth from key populations in Asia
Categories: Faculty, Peter NewmanProf. Peter A. Newman served as lead researcher for a 4-country UNICEF formative assessment officially released on World AIDS Day in Bangkok: “Looking Out for Adolescents and Youth from Key Populations—A formative assessment on the needs of adolescents and youth at risk of HIV: Case studies from Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand and Viet Nam”.
Adolescents and youth, particularly those from key populations — MSM, transgender people, people who use drugs, and sex workers — constitute one in four new HIV infections in the Asia-Pacific Region. Every day 1,400 adolescents and youth are newly diagnosed with HIV. However, young people are further disenfranchised by having to navigate HIV prevention and treatment programs and policies largely designed for adults. Reducing new HIV infections in young people is key to achieving UNAIDS fast-track targets and ending AIDS by 2030.