Find an alumni mentor
1. Join the 2024-2025 Alumni Mentorship Program” group on FIFSW Connect
All students with a planned graduation year of 2025 on Connect have already been added to this group.
Alumni, to ensure you receive notifications of events, and to access student/alumni profiles, you should join the “2024-2025 Alumni Mentorship Program” on FIFSW Connect. Visit our Steps to join the Alumni Mentorship Program page for full instructions.
2. Go the group page
Within Connect, find the Group from the left-hand menu, then click on the “Members” tab within the group page.
3. Filter by Affiliation
On the right-hand menu, you can filter by affiliation to find either alumni or students
4. Browse member profiles
You can now view the member profiles of that chosen affiliation.
5. View profile
You can view the full profile of any of the members by clicking on their name.
6. Reach out!
If you’d like to reach out to them, you can click on the Message icon to send them a secure and private message through Connect.
From there the two of you can communicate and decide to proceed with a mentoring or coaching relationship as it fits.