Poverty and the Law: It’s a Law-Thick World

Claude Bissell Building 140 St. George Street, Room 205, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Location: Room 548 (Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work Building) Map: http://www.socialwork.utoronto.ca/about/location.htm For catering purposes, kindly RSVP to […]

Lunch and Learn: Harm Reduction and Social Work

Claude Bissell Building 140 St. George Street, Room 205, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Location: Room 114 Facilitated by Prof. Toula Kourgiantakis, this lunch and learn will involve a short lecture, […]

Lunch and Learn: FIFSW grads on Sheena’s Place

Claude Bissell Building 140 St. George Street, Room 205, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Location: Room 720 Facilitated by two recent FIFSW grads who will speak about their experience at Sheena's […]

Supporting Survivors of Gender-Based Violence

Claude Bissell Building 140 St. George Street, Room 205, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Location: Room 548 (Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work Building) Map: http://www.socialwork.utoronto.ca/about/location.htm Lunch provided, no RSVP necessary   […]