Students will be required to have passed a competency exam or SWK 4506H as a prerequisite for this course.
This course is designed to provide students with the opportunity to understand, interpret and apply methods of quantitative analysis to social work research topics. Several major multivariate statistical techniques will be presented including two ways ANOVAs (analysis of variance), multiple regression and logistic regression.
This course has two major goals: that students be able to critically examine the contextual appropriateness of statistical techniques used in the literature; and that students can correctly identify for further study the most suitable statistical technique for their own research. Students will become competent users of multivariate techniques in the SPSS computer software program through weekly hands-on assignments applying the major statistical techniques to a secondary data set.
Please note that further, more traditional, statistics course will be necessary for those using complex multivariate techniques in their dissertation analysis. Students will be required to have passed a competency exam or SWK 4506H as a prerequisite for this course.