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SWW4623H – Violence in Families: Multilevel Intervention in Interdisciplinary Practice - Elective

Approved elective course for Collaborative Program in Women’s Studies

Violence Against Women: Inter-Disciplinary Responses to Woman Abuse and Children Exposed to Family Violence

Based on feminist principles this course integrates theory and practice, and incorporates analyses of policy and inter-disciplinary responses to woman abuse and children exposed to domestic violence. In Canada, violence in families occurs at alarming rates; however, societal and professional response to this serious problem has been variable. Emphasis will be on the relationships between societal structures and the family, and congruence with professional practice response. The course explores how various forms of abuse/violence is perpetrated and maintained, examines escape from domination, and reviews interventions with best outcomes for abused women and children. These issues are studied and discussed within the diverse contexts of family life, and take into account the multiple influences of intersecting oppressions on families.