This half-course is the core masters level course in the second option of study in palliative and supportive care. It will offer students a broad, interdisciplinary approach to current issues in Palliative and Supportive Care, by allowing students from a wide range of disciplines and departments (e.g., Palliative Medicine, Psychiatry, Social Work, Nursing, Philosophy, Law, Religious Studies, Health Policy Management and Evaluation, Information, Pharmacy, Psychology, Rehabilitation Science, Public Health Sciences, Sociology, etc.) an opportunity to explore, understand and apply diverse concepts relevant to palliative and supportive care. Each seminar will consist of a presentation by a faculty member, followed by a discussion. The seminars will take place for a full session on a bi-weekly basis and will be complemented by weekly seminar reading assignments, 3 short essays, and a 10-page essay at session’s end exploring one of the seminar topics in further detail.
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