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Prof. Newman member of the International AIDS Society Towards a Cure Working Group published in Nature Medicine


Prof. Peter A Newman is one of few social scientists globally invited to participate on the International AIDS Society‘s Working Group on research towards an HIV cure. The group was led by Dr. Françoise Barré-Sinoussi, Nobel Prize winner in Medicine for co-discovering HIV. The working group published the “International AIDS Society’s global scientific strategy: towards an HIV cure 2016” in Nature Medicine, the premiere primary medical research journal in the world–including important directions for social science research and community engagement.

Prof. Peter A Newman featured by the Canadian Association for HIV Research


Where Social Science Meets Basic Science

Prof Newman’s research program is featured by The Canadian Association for HIV Research. “With a membership of more than 1,000 researchers and others interested in HIV research, CAHR is the leading organization of HIV/AIDS researchers in Canada.”  “His research takes HIV treatment and prevention methods that are in development through basic and clinical sciences, and applies them to ‘the most important laboratory—the real world’—to see how they can have the greatest potential.”

Kofi Antwi-Boasiako, PhD Student, co-authors report on Poverty’s role on kids in CAS system

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A new report cites poverty as a key factor in families who come into contact with the child protection system

Kofi Antwi-Boasiako (FIFSW, PhD Student), Bryn King, Tara Black, Barbara Fallon, Nico Trocmé and Deborah Goodman co-author a report that for the first time calculates the effect of poverty in Ontario child protection and how it plays a significant role in the disproportionate number of black and aboriginal children being taken from their families and placed into care.

Click here to access the report.