Peer Reviewed Publications – 2020
FIFSW faculty authors are listed alphabetically and identified in bold font.
186 publications to date
Adamson, K., Ashcroft R., Langlois S., & Lising D. (2020). Integrating social work into interprofessional education. Advances in Social Work, 20(2), 454-472.
Alaggia, R. & Collin-Vézina, D. (2020). Child sexual abuse and youth sexual assault: Environmental impacts on disclosure and response to disclosures. Child Abuse & Neglect, 102, 104284.
Alaggia, R. & Wang, S. (2020). I never told anyone until the #metoo movement”: What can we learn from sexual violence disclosures made through social media? Child Abuse and Neglect, 103, 104312.
Alaggia, R., Collin-Vézina, D., & Lateef, R. (2020). Facilitators and barriers to child sexual abuse (CSA) disclosures: A research update (2000-2016). Trauma, Violence & Abuse, 20(2), 260-283.
Manay, N., Collin-Vézina, D., Alaggia, R., & McElvaney, R. (2020). It’s complicated because we’re only sixteen”: A framework for understanding childhood sexual abuse disclosures to peers. Journal of Interpersonal Violence.
Anthony, S.J., Young, K., Ghent, E., Gold, A., Martin, K., Solomon, M., Teoh, C.W., & Stinson, J. (2020). Exploring the potential for online peer support mentorship: Perspectives of pediatric solid organ transplant patients. Pediatric Transplantation. Early access. e13900.
Kokorelias, K. & Ashcroft, R. (2020). How dementia caregivers make health service decisions: A scoping review and implications for grounded theory studies. SAGE Open, 10(1), 1-9.
Alschech, J., & Begun, S. (2020). Fatherhood among youth experiencing homelessness. Families in Society, 101(4), 484-497.
Begun, S., Barman-Adhikari, A., O’Connor, C., ** & Rice, E. (2020). Social support and pregnancy attitudes among youth experiencing homelessness. Children & Youth Services Review, 113, 104959.
Begun, S., Combs, K.M., Schwan, K., Torrie, M., & Bender, K. (2020). “I know they would kill me”: Abortion attitudes and experiences among youth experiencing homelessness. Youth & Society, 52(8), 1457-1478.
Begun, S., Weber, A., Spring, J., Arora, S.R.A., Frey, C., & Fortin, A. (2020). “This research is cool”: Engaging youth experiencing homelessness in research on reproductive and sexual health. Social Work in Public Health, 35(5), 271-281.
Combs, K.M., Barman-Adhikari, A., Begun, S., & Rice, E. (2020). Relationships between parenting and dangerous substance use behaviors among youth experiencing homelessness. Journal of Society for Social Work and Research, 11(1), 1-20.
Gómez, A. M., Downey, M., Carpenter, E., Leedham, U., Begun, S., Ely, G., & Craddock., J. (2020). Advancing reproductive justice to close the health gap: A call to action for social work. Social Work.
Bhuyan, R., Park, Y., & Lee, E. (2020). Should journal ranking matter? “Prestige and quality” in the neoliberal academy. Affilia, 35(2), 157-159.
Bhuyan, R., Yoon, K., and Valmadrid, L. (2020). Family reunification as an earned right: A framing analysis of migrant workers’ pathways to neoliberal multicultural citizenship in Canada. New Political Science, 42(4), 558-577.
O’Brien, P., Kim, M., Beck, E., & Bhuyan, R. (2020). Introduction to special topic on anticarceral feminisms: Imagining a world without prisons. Affilia-Journal of Women and Social Work, 35(1), 5-11.
Park, Y., Bhuyan, R., & Wahab, S. (2020). Still we resist: reflections on our tenure as editors-in-chief. Affilia-Journal of Women and Social Work, 35(4), 445-448.
Black, T., Fallon, B., Nikolova, K., Tarshis, S., Baird, S., & Carradine, J. (2020). Exploring subtypes of children’s exposure to intimate partner violence. Children and Youth Services Review, 118, 105375.
Black, T., Saini, M., Fallon, B., Deljavan, S., & Theoduloz, R. (2020). The intersection of child welfare, intimate partner violence and child custody disputes: secondary data analysis of the Ontario incidence study of reported child abuse and neglect. Journal of Public Child Welfare, 1-14.
Bogo, M., Kourgiantakis, T., Burnes, D., King, B., & Lee, E. (2020). Guidelines for advancing clinical social work practice through articulating practice competencies: The Toronto simulation model. Clinical Social Work Journal. Early access.
Bogo, M., Sewell, K.M., Muhamud, F., & Kourgiantakis, T. (2020). Social work field instruction: a scoping review. Social Work Education. Early access.
Brennan, D.J., Card, K., Collict, D., Jollimore, J., & Lachowsky, N. (2020). How might social distancing impact gay, bisexual, queer, trans and two spirit men in Canada? AIDS and Behavior, 24, 2480-2482.
Grace, D., Gaspar, M., Klassen, B., Lessard, D., Brennan, D.J., Lachowsky, N.J., Adam, B.D., Cox, J., Lambert, G., Anand, P., Jollimore, J., Moore, D., & Hart, T.A. (2020). It’s in me to give: Canadian gay, bisexual, and queer men’s willingness to donate blood if eligible despite feelings of policy discrimination. Qualitative Health Research, 30(14), 2234-2247.
Noor, S.W., Sutherland, J.E., Vernon, J.R.G., Adam, B.D., Brennan, D.J., & Hart, T.A. (2020). Measuring adverse childhood experiences: Comparing individual, composite, score-based and latent profile-based scoring schemas among gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 49(5), 1741-1754.
Salway, T., Gesink, D., Ferlatte, O., Rich, A.J., Rhodes, A.E., Brennan, D.J., & Gilbert, M. (2020). Age, period, and cohort patterns in the epidemiology of suicide attempts among sexual minorities in the United States and Canada: detection of a second peak in middle adulthood. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology.
Souleymanov, R., Brennan, D.J., George, C., Utama, R., & Ceranto, A. (2020). Experiences of racism, sexual objectification and alcohol use among gay and bisexual men of colour. Ethnicity & Health, 25(4), 525-541.
Souleymanov, R., Brennan, D.J., Logie, C.H., Allman, D., Craig, S.L., & Halkitis, P.N. (2020). Party-n-Play and online information and communication technologies: A socio-linguistic perspective. Sexualities.
Burnes, D., DeLiema, M., & Langton, L. (2020). Risk and protective factors of identity theft victimization in the United States. Preventive Medicine Reports, 17, 1-8. doi:10.1016/j.pmedr.2020.101058.
Burnes, D., Elman, A., Feir, B.M., Rizzo, V., Chalfy, A., Courtney, E., Breckman, R., Lachs, M.S., & Rosen, T. (2020). Exploring risk of elder abuse revictimization: Development of a model to inform community response interventions. Journal of Applied Gerontology.
Burnes, D., Kirchin, D., Elman, A., Breckman, R., Lachs, M.S., & Rosen, T. (2020). Developing standard data for elder abuse multidisciplinary teams: Acritical objective. Journal of Elder Abuse & Neglect, 32(4), 377-384.
Burnes, D., Syed, M., & Hsieh, J. (2020). Process models to understand resident-to-resident aggression among residents with dementia in long-term care. Journal of Applied Gerontology.
Elman, A., Rosselli, S., Burnes, D., Clark, S., Stern, M.E., LoFaso., …, & Rosen, T. (2020). Developing the emergency department elder mistreatment assessment tool for social workers (ED-EMATS) using a modified delphi technique. Health and Social Work. Advanced online publication.
Lachs, M.S., Adelman, R., Breckman, R., & Burnes, D. (2020). A national charity fighting elder abuse via direct service, research, and advocacy. Generations, 44, 124-127.
Austin, A., Craig, S. L., D’Souza, S., & McInroy, L. B. (2020). Suicidality among transgender youth: Elucidating the role of interpersonal risk factors. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. Online first.
Austin, A., Craig, S. L., Navaga, N., & McInroy, L. (2020). It’s my safe space: The life-saving role of the internet in the lives of transgender and gender diverse youth. International Journal of Transgender Health, 1, 33–44.
Craig, S.L., Eaton, A.D., Pascoe, R., Egag, E., McInroy, L.B., Fang, L., Austin, A., & Dentato, M.P. (2020). QueerVIEW: Protocol for a Technology-Mediated Qualitative Photo Elicitation Study With Sexual and Gender Minority Youth in Ontario, Canada. JMIR Research Protocols, 9 (11). DOI: 10.2196/20547.
Craig, S. L., McInroy, L. B., Goulden, A., Eaton, A. D., Kourgiantakis, T., Bogo, M., Adamson, K., Iacono, G., Gagliarda, L., Krasovec, T., & Small, M. (2020). The health social work competency rating scale: Development of a tool for education and practice. Social Work Education: The International Journal. Online first.
Craig, S. L., Yang, W., & Austin, A (2020). Promoting the sexual self-efficacy of sexual and gender minority youth through a group intervention. Groupwork, 29(2), 35-57.
Craig, S.L., McInroy, L.B., & Eaton, A.D. (2020). Describing a clinical group coding method for identifying competencies in an allied health single session. Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare, 13, 1133-1142.
Huang, Y.-T., Forth, M., Craig, S. L., & Wong, D. (2020). How intersectional are mental health interventions for sexual minority people? A systematic review. LGBT Health, 7(5), 1–17.
McInroy, L.B, Beaujolais, B., Leung, V.W.Y., Craig, S.L., Eaton, A.D., & Austin, A. (2020). Comparing asexual and non-asexual sexual minority adolescents and young adults: stressors, suicidality and mental and behavioural health risk outcomes. Psychology & Sexuality.
Wagaman, A., Watts, K., Lamneck, V., D’Souza, S., McInroy, L, Eaton, A., & Craig, S. L. (2020). Managing stressors online and offline: LGBTQ+ youth in the southern United States. Children and Youth Services Review, 110, 104799.
Craig, S.L.; Iacono, G.; Austin, A.; Eaton, A.D.; Pang, N.; Leung, V.W.Y.; & Frey, C.J. (2020). The role of facilitator training in intervention delivery: Preparing clinicians to deliver AFFIRMative group cognitive behavioral therapy to sexual and gender minority youth. Journal of Gay & Lesbian Studies, 33 (1), 56-77. DOI: 10.1080/10538720.2020.1836704
Antwi-Boasiako, K., King, B., Fallon, B., Trocme, N., Fluke, J., Chabot, M., & Esposito, T. (2020). Differences and disparities over time: Black and White families investigated by Ontario’s child welfare system. Child Abuse & Neglect. 107. 104618
Filippelli, J., Lwin, K., Fallon, B., & Trocme, N. (2020). Young children and ongoing child welfare services: A multilevel examination of clinical and worker characteristics. Child Maltreatment.
Fallon, B., Filippelli, J., Joh-Carnella, N., Collin-Vezina, D., Lefebvre, R., Moody, B., Trocme, N., & Quinn, A. (2020). An examination of past trends in school reports to child welfare: Considerations for reported child maltreatment. Child Maltreatment. early access. Article Number: 1077559520979588. DOI: 10.1177/1077559520979588
Fallon, B., Lefebvre, R., Collin-Vezina, D., Houston, E., Joh-Carnella, N., Malti, T., Filippelli, J., Schumaker, K., Manel, W., Kartusch, M., & Cash, S. (2020). Screening for economic hardship for child welfare-involved families during the COVID-19 pandemic: A rapid partnership response. Child Abuse & Neglect, 110 (Part 2, SI). DOI: 10.1016/j.chiabu.2020.104706.
Katz, C., & Fallon, B. (2020). Protecting children from maltreatment during COVID-19. Child Abuse & Neglect, 110 (Part 2, SI). DOI: 10.1016/j.chiabu.2020.104753.
Fang, L., & Huang, Y-T. (2020). “I’m in between”: Cultural identities of Chinese youth in Canada. Families in Society, 10, 205-218.
Davison, K., Lin, S., Tong, H., Kobayashi, K., Mora-Almanza, J.G., & Fuller-Thomson, E. (2020). Nutritional factors, physical health and immigrant status are associated with anxiety disorders among middle-aged and older adults: Findings from the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA). International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(5), 1493.
Davison, K., Lung, Y., Lin, S., Tong, H., Kobayashi, K., & Fuller-Thomson, E. (2020). Psychological distress in older adults linked to immigrant status, dietary intake, and physical health conditions in the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA). Journal of Affective Disorders, 265, 526-537.
De Souza, L.R., Chan, K.T., Kobayashi, K., Karasiuk, A., & Fuller-Thomson, E. (2020). The prevalence and management of diabetes among Vietnamese Americans: A population-based survey of an understudied ethnic group. Chronic Illness.
Fuller-Thomson E., & Deng, Z.D. (2020). Could lifetime lead exposure play a role in Limbic-predominant Age-related TDP-43 Encephalopathy (LATE)? Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, 73(2), 455-459.
Fuller-Thomson E., Jayanthikumar, J., Redmond, M.L., & Agbeyaka, S. (2020). Is recovery from cannabis dependence possible? Factors that help or hinder recovery in a national sample of Canadians with a history of cannabis dependence. Advances in Preventive Medicine.
Fuller-Thomson, E., & Mehta, R. (2020). Could a gene-environment interaction between NAPRT1 risk allele and pre-natal niacin de ficiency explain 4 medical mysteries of schizophrenia research? Schizophrenia Research, 216, 532-533.
Fuller-Thomson, E., Riviere, R.N., Carrique, L., & Agbeyaka, S. (2020). The Dark Side of ADHD: Factors Associated With Suicide Attempts Among Those With ADHD in a National Representative Canadian Sample. Archives of Suicide Research. Early Access. DOI: 10.1080/13811118.2020.1856258.
Fuller-Thomson E., & Ryckman, K. (2020). Achieving complete mental health despite a history of generalized anxiety disorders: Findings from a large, nationally representative Canadian survey. Journal of Affective Disorders, 265, 687-694.
Fuller-Thomson, E., Saab, Z., Davison, K.M., Lin, S., Taler, K., Kobayashi, K., & Tong, H. (2020). Nutrition, immigration and health determinants are linked to verbal fluency among Anglophone adults in the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA). Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging, 24(6), 672-680.
Lin, S., Kobayashi, K., Tong, H., Davison, K.M., Arora, S.R.A., & Fuller-Thomson, E. (2020). Close relations matter: the association between depression and refugee status in the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA). Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 22(5), 946-956.
White, B., West, K., & Fuller-Thomson E. (2020). Is exposure to family member incarceration during childhood linked to diabetes in adulthood? Findings from a representative community sample. SAGE Open Medicine, 8, 1-12.
Fuller-Thomson, E., & Agbeyaka, S. (2020). A trio of risk factors for childhood sexual abuse: Investigating exposure to parental domestic violence, parental addiction, and parental mental illness as correlates of childhood sexual abuse. Social Work, 65(3), 266-277.
Fuller-Thomson, E., & Jensen, L.A. (2020). Flourishing after a stroke: A nationally representative portrait of resilience and mental health among older Canadians. Journal of Aging and Health, 32(5-6), 308-316.
Fuller-Thomson, E., & Munro, A.P. (2020). Factors associated with the declining trends of hip fractures. Jama Internal Medicine. doi:10.1001/jamainternmed.2020.6477.
Fuller-Thomson, E., Lacombe-Duncan, A., Goodman, D., Fallon, B., & Brennenstuhl, S. (2020). From surviving to thriving: factors associated with complete mental health among childhood sexual abuse survivors. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 55(6), 735-744.
Fuller-Thomson, E., Lung, Y., West, K.J., Keyes, C.L.M., & Baiden, P. (2020). Suboptimal baseline mental health associated with 4-month premature all- cause mortality: Findings from 18 years of follow-up of the Canadian National Population Health Survey. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 136, 110176.
Ganson, K.T., Gould, P., & Holcomb, R. (2020). Exploring the experiences of male MSW students in the social work learning environment. Journal of Social Work Education.
Ganson, K.T., Mitchison, D., Murray, S.B., & Nagata, J.M. (2020). Legal performance-enhancing substances and substance use problems among young adults. Pediatrics, 146(3), e20200409.
Ganson, K.T., Weiser, S.D., Tsai, A.C., & Nagata, J.M. (2020). Associations between anxiety and depression symptoms and medical care avoidance during COVID-19. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 35(11), 3406-3408.
Nagata, J.M., Ganson, K.T., Cunningham, M.L., Mitchison, D., Lavender, J.M., Blashill, A.J., Gooding, H.C., & Murray, S.B. (2020). Associations between legal performance-enhancing substance use and future cardiovascular disease risk factors in young adults: A prospective cohort study. PLOS One, 15 (12). DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0244018.
Nagata, J.M., Ganson, K.T., & Murray, S.B. (2020). Eating disorders in adolescent boys and young men: an update. Current Opinion in Pediatrics, 32(4), 476-481.
Nagata, J.M., Ganson, K.T., Tabler, J., Blashill, A.J., & Murray, S.B. (2020). Disparities across sexual orientation in migraine among US adults. Jama Neurology. DOI: 10.1001/jamaneurol.2020.3406.
Bourgeois-Guérin, V., Grenier, A., Sussman, T., Rothwell, D., & Bourgeois-Guérin, E. (2020). Vieillir dans la rue»: Interprétations du temps par le aînés en situation d’itinérance. Revue Québécoise de Psychologie, 41(2), 83-104.
Cobigo, V., Czechowski, K., Chalghoumi, H., Gauthier-Beaupre, A., Assal, H., Jutai, J., Kobayashi, K., Grenier, A., & Bah, F. (2020). Protecting the privacy of technology users who have cognitive disabilities: Identifying areas for improvement and targets for change. Journal of Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies Engineering, 7, 2055668320950195.
Grenier, A. (2020). Rereading frailty through a lens of precarity: an explication of politics and the human condition of vulnerability. Precarity and Ageing: Understanding Insecurity and Risk in Later Life. Book Series: Ageing in a Global Context. 69-90.
Grenier, A., Phillipson, C., & Settersten, R.A., Jr. (2020). Precarity and ageing: new perspectives for social gerontology. Precarity and Ageing: Understanding Insecurity and Risk in Later Life. Book Series: Ageing in a Global Context. 1-15.
Hansen, S., Newbold, K.B., Scott, D.M., Vrkljan, B., & Grenier, A. (2020). To drive or not to drive: Driving cessation amongst older adults in rural and small towns in Canada. Journal of Transport Geography, 86, 102773.
Hewston, P., Grenier, A., Burke, E., Kennedy, C.C., & Papaioannou, A. (2020). Frailty and life-space mobility: Implications for clinical practice and research. Occupational Therapy in Health Care. DOI: 10.1080/07380577.2020.1846235.
Kelly, C., Jamal, A., Aubrecht, K., & Grenier, A. (2020). Emergent issues in directly-funded care: Canadian perspectives. Journal of Aging and Social Policy. Online. DOI: 10.1080/08959420.2020.1745736.
Phillipson, C., Grenier, A., & Settersten, R.A., Jr. (2020). Conclusion: Precarity and ageing in the 21st century. Precarity and Ageing: Understanding Insecurity and Risk in Later Life. Book Series: Ageing in a Global Context. 237-246.
Sussman, T., Barken, R., & Grenier, A. (2020). Supporting older homeless person’s positive relocations to long-term care: Service provider views. Gerontologist, 60(6), 1149-1158.
Grenier, A., Hatzifilalithis, S., Laliberte-Rudman, D., Kobayashi, K., Marier, P., & Phillipson, C. (2020). Precarity and aging: A scoping review. Gerontologist, 60(8), E620-E632.
Katz, E., McPartland, S., & Rines, J. (2020). Exploring micro-skills as the underpinnings of effective social work practice. Journal of Social Work Practice. Online. DOI: 10.1080/02650533.2020.1737514.
Asakura, K., Lee, B., Occhiuto, K., & Kourgiantakis, T. (2020). Observational learning in simulation-based social work education: comparison of interviewers and observers. Social Work Education.
Sewell, K., Sanders, J., Kourgiantakis, T., Katz, E., & Bogo, M. (2020). Cognitive and affective processes: MSW students’ awareness and coping through simulated interviews. Social Work Education: The International Journal. online. DOI: 10.1080/02615479.2020.1727875.
Kourgiantakis, T., Sewell, K.M., McNeil, S., Lee, E., Logan, J., Kuehl, D., McCormick, M., Adamson, K., & Kirvan, A. (2020). Social work education and training in mental health, addictions, and suicide: A scoping review. Journal of Social Work Education. DOI: 10.1080/10437797.2020.1773363
Kourgiantakis, T., Ashcroft, R., *Mohamud, F., *Fearing, G. & *Sanders, J. (in press). Family-focused practices in addictions: A scoping review. Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions.
Kourgiantakis, T., Hussain, A., Ashcroft, R., Logan, J., McNeil, S., & Williams, C.C. (2020). Recovery-oriented social work practice in mental health and addictions: a scoping review protocol. BMJ Open, 10(8), e037777.
Kourgiantakis, T., Sewell, K., Hu, R., Logan, J. & Bogo, M. (2020). Simulation in social work education: A scoping review. Research on Social Work Practice, 30(4), 433-450.
Kourgiantakis, T., & Lee, E. (2020). Social work practice education and training during the pandemic: Disruptions and discoveries. International Social Work, 63(6), 761-765.
Kourgiantakis, T.; & Lee, E. (2020). Developing mental health and addiction competencies in social work students using simulation-based learning. Social Work Education. EARLY ACCESS JUL 2021. DOI: 10.1080/02615479.2021.1955850
Lee, E., Kourgiantakis, T., & Bogo, M. (2020). Translating knowledge into practice: Using simulation to enhance mental health competence through social work education. Social Work Education: The International Journal, 39(3), 329-349.
Faber, J. & Lee, E. (2020). Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for a refugee mother with depression and anxiety. Clinical Case Studies, 19(4), 239–257.
Lee, E., & Bowles, K. (2020). Navigating treatment recommendations for PTSD: A rapid review. International Journal of Mental Health.
Lee, E., & Tratner, M. (2020). Make every session count for clients! Rethinking clinical social work practice from Single Session Therapy (SST): A case illustration of Emotion-Focused Therapy (EFT). Journal of Social Work Practice. Early access.
Lee, E., Ko, B., & Johnstone, M. (2020). Public discourse, the media, and international education in Canada. Qualitative Social Work, 19(5-6), 845-863.
Lee, E., & Johnstone, M. (2020). Resisting the politics of the pandemic and racism to foster humanity. Qualitative Social Work. early access. Article Number: 1473325020973313. DOI: 10.1177/1473325020973313
Alschech, J., Regehr, C., Logie, C., & Seto, M. (2020). Contributors to post-traumatic stress symptoms in women sex workers. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 90(5), 567-577.
Crockett, K.B., Esensoy, T.A., Johnson, M., Neilands, T.B., Kempf, M-C., Konkle-Parker, D., Wingood, G., Tien, P.C., Cohen, M., Wilson, T.E., Logie, C.H., Sosanya, O., Plankey, M., Golub, E., Adimora, A.A., Parish, C., Weiser, S.D., Turan, J.M., & Turan, B. (2020). Internalized HIV stigma and pain among women with HIV in the United States: The mediating role of depressive symptoms. AIDS Behaviour, 24(12), 3482-3490.
Deering, K., Braschel, M., Logie, C., Ranville, F., Krusi, A., Duff, P., & Shannon, K. (2020). Exploring pathways from violence and HIV disclosure without consent to depression, social support, and HIV medication self-efficacy among women living with HIV in Metro Vancouver, Canada. Health Psychology Open, 7(1), 1-10.
Embleton, L., Di Ruggiero, E., Logie, C.H., Ayuku, D., & Braitstein, P. (2020). Improving livelihoods and gender equitable attitudes of street-connected young people in Eldoret, Kenya: Results from a pilot evidence-based intervention. Health & Social Care in the Community, 29(1), 227-240.
Embleton, L., DiRuggiero, E., Logie, C., Ayuku, D., & Braitstein, P. (2020). Piloting an evidence- based intervention for HIV prevention among street youth in Eldoret, Kenya. International Journal of Public Health, 65, 433-443.
Flanders, C., Dinh, R., Pragg, L., Dobinson, C., & Logie, C. (2020). Young sexual minority women’s evaluation processes of online and digital sexual health information. Health Communication. doi: 10.1080/10410236.2020.1751381.
Hargreaves, J.R., & Logie, C.H. (2020). Lifting lockdown policies: A critical moment for COVID-19 stigma. Global Public Health, 15(12), 1917-1923.
Kennedy, V.L., Mellor, K.L., Brophy, J., Bitnun, A., Alimenti, A., Kakkar, F., Logie, C.H., Webster, K., Proulx-Boucher, K., Ding, E., Jabbari, S., Kaida, A., de Pokomandy, A., & Loutfy, M. (2020). Transition from pediatric to adult HIV care for young women living with HIV. Journal of the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care, 19, 1-11.
Lacombe-Duncan, A., Kia, H., Logie, C.H., Todd, K.P., Persad, Y., Leblanc, G., Nation, K., Scheim, A.I., Lyons, T., Horemans, C., & Loutfy, M. (2020). A qualitative exploration of barriers to HIV prevention, treatment and support: Perspectives of transgender women and service providers. Health & Social Care in the Community. DOI: 10.1111/hsc.13234.
Lacombe-Duncan, A., Logie, C.H., Persad, Y., Leblanc, G., Nation, K., Kia, H., Scheim, A.I., Lyons, T., & Loutfy, M. (2020). ‘Transgender Education for Affirmative and Competent HIV and Healthcare (TEACHH)’: protocol of community-based intervention development and a non-randomised multisite pilot study with pre-post test design in Canada. BMJ Open, 10(7), e034144.
Lacombe-Duncan, A., Warren, L., Kay, E.S., Persad, Y., Soor, J., Kia, H., Underhill, A., Logie, C.H., Kazemi, M., Kaida, A., de Pokomandy, A., & Loutfy, M. (2020). Mental health among transgender women living with HIV in Canada: Findings from a national community based research study. AIDS Care. doi: 10.1080/09540121.2020.1737640.
Lee-Foon, N.K., Logie, C.H., Siddiqi, A., & Grace, D. (2020). Exploring young Black gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men’s PrEP knowledge in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Culture Health & Sexuality.
Lee-Foon, N.K., Nakia K., Logie, C.H., Siddiqi, A., & Grace, D. (2020). I just trust what Google says, it’s the Bible: Exploring young, Black gay and other men who have sex with men’s evaluation of sexual health information sources in Toronto, Canada. Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality, 29 (3), 275-288. DOI: 10.3138/cjhs.2020-0026.
Logie, C. & Turan, J. (2020). How do we balance tensions between COVID-19 public health responses and stigma mitigation? Learning from HIV research. AIDS & Behavior, 24, 2003-2006.
Logie, C. (2020). Lessons learned from HIV can inform our approach to COVID-19 stigma. Journal of the International AIDS Society, 23(5), e25504.
Logie, C., Lacombe-Duncan, A., Wang, Y., Levermore, K., Jones, N., Ellis, T., & Bryan, N. (2020). Adapting the psychological mediation framework for cisgender and transgender sexual minorities in jamaica: implications from latent versus observed variable approaches to sexual stigma. Social Science & Medicine, 245, 112663.
Logie, C., Okumu, M., Abela, H., Wilson, D., & Narasimhan, M. (2020). Sexual and reproductive health mobile apps: results from a cross-sectional values and preferences survey to inform World Health Organization normative guidance on self-care interventions. Global Health Action, 13(1), 1796346.
Logie, C.H., Okumu, M., Latif, M., Musoke, D.K., Lukone, S.O., Mwima, S., & Kyambadde, P. (2020). Exploring resource scarcity and contextual influences on wellbeing among young refugees in Bidi Bidi refugee settlement, Uganda: findings from a qualitative study. Conflict and Health, 15 (1). DOI: 10.1186/s13031-020-00336-3.
Logie, C., Perez-Brumer, A., Mothopeng, T., Latif, M., Ranotsi, A., & Baral, S. (2020). Conceptualizing LGBT stigma and associated HIV vulnerabilities among LGBT persons in Lesotho. AIDS & Behavior, 24, 3462-3472.
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