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How to clear conditions of admission

Once you have accepted your offer of admission, you’ll need to satisfy the condition(s) of admission stated in your offer letter. Review Conditions of Admission outlined in the School of Graduate Studies offer letter and submit official transcripts/documentation, as required following the instructions below.

It is your responsibility to clear all conditions as soon as possible. All conditions must be satisfied before final registration is permitted. However, students are allowed to enrol in courses and register (pay tuition fees) when conditions of admission are not yet fulfilled.

If you do not fulfill all conditions, course enrolment and registration will be cancelled, and you will not be permitted to continue in your program. Possible future admission is not guaranteed and requires re-application (including payment and submission of supporting documents).

When every condition of admission has been cleared, an “All Conditions Satisfied” e-mail will be sent to you.

On this page:

Types of conditions:

Condition Instructions Deadline
You will be required to complete a training module and quiz through Quercus. Completed through Quercus – instructions will provided in May May 31, 2024
You must arrange for the issuing institution to forward directly to the graduate department to which you have been admitted a complete record of your academic history (the academic institutions will be noted in the offer letter) Submit/Request one official transcript June 1, 2024
If your degree will be awarded in June 2024 Submit/request one official transcript after your degree has been awarded (after the convocation ceremony date) July 15, 2024
If your degree will be awarded at Fall convocation
  1. Once all grades available submit:
    1. One updated, official transcript
    2. Plus an official letter from the University confirming you have completed all degree requirements and the date your degree will be awarded
  2. Once all of the documentations are received, you will be permitted to enrol in the program conditionally
  3. Submit/request one official transcript after your degree has been awarded (after the convocation ceremony date)
December 1, 2024
Satisfactory completion of the research requirement (MSW programs only) Submit/request one official transcript when the grade is available August 31, 2024
PhD: Completion of your master’s program with an average of at least B+, and confirmation of degree conferred. Submit/request one official transcript when the grade is available November 15, 2024
You must provide an official academic record of your current year of study Submit/Request one official transcript from the academic institution you are currently attending, once all grades are available September 1, 2024

Transcript Submission Instructions

Conditions requiring you to submit an official transcript must be provided in one of the following formats:

Option 1

A secure electronic record sent by the issuing institution either directly from their institutional website or through an authorized/licensed third-party provider (such as Credentials Solutions, Parchment).E-transcripts from institutions can be considered official only if we can verify the originating link is secure and authentic.

Submit official electronic transcripts to

Option 2

If the official electronic transcript is not an option, official transcripts should be mailed FIFSW. A paper record received by the Registrar’s Office in a sealed envelope signed/stamped by the issuing institution.

Transcripts can also be sent by the applicant, as long as we receive them in the issuing institution’s sealed envelope.

Submit paper official transcripts to:

Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work
Registrar’s Office
University of Toronto
246 Bloor Street West
Toronto, ON M5S 1V4

Transcripts from the University of Toronto

You are not required to submit official transcripts of studies undertaken from Fall 1998 to the present at the University of Toronto. For sessions prior to Fall 1998, an official transcript must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office.

There are exceptions where an official transcript is required from the University of Toronto and must be ordered and submitted by you :

  • School of Continuing Studies
  • Toronto School of Theology

Most transcripts are produced by the University of Toronto Registrar’s Office.

Transcripts from International Institutions

A certified official English translation of all international documentation written in a language other than English or French must be submitted. A translation must include a copy of the document on which the translation is based.

To be official, an English translation must be provided one of two ways:

  1. A secure electronic record sent by an accredited translation service directly to
  2. A paper record received by the Registrar’s Office & Student Experience in a sealed envelope, signed/stamped by an accredited translation service:​Registrar’s Office & Student Experience, Admissions
    Ontario Institute for Studies in Education
    252 Bloor Street West, Room 8-225
    Toronto, Ontario, M5S 1V6

World Education Services (WES)

Occasionally, international applicants experience difficulty obtaining official transcripts. If an easier pathway is World Education Services (WES), we will accept an academic record from them provided it:

  • Is the International Credential Advantage Package (ICAP) and includes a copy of the academic record received directly from the educational institution and verified by WES.
  • Includes a certified official English language translation completed by an accredited translation service (not WES), if written in a language other than English or French.

WES is the only evaluation service from which we accept official records. To be official, an academic record from WES must be provided one of two ways:

Electronic:  You can add FIFSW as a recipient at the time WES assesses your documents or if WES has already assessed your documents, you can order an additional report and add FIFSW as a recipient. To add FIFSW as a recipient, you must:

  1. Search for the University of Toronto.
  2. Click on the University of Toronto and choose “FIFSW, Office of the Registrar” from the School/Division drop-down menu.

Paper: To be considered official, a paper copy of the ICAP must be received directly by the Registrar’s Office in a sealed envelope, signed/stamped by WES.

Next Step

Beginning in early May (April for Advanced Standing students starting in the summer): Create your student accounts