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UCS1000H – Community Development: Theory and Practice - Elective

This graduate seminar provides an overview of the theory and practice of the field, including a historical review, an examination of contemporary issues and debates and methodological considerations. Participants in the course will draw significant insights for community development practice from the various theoretical positions on the nature of society, social change and social mobilization. The course explores the various models of community development in relation to their goals, processes and outcomes. It incorporates contributions from the five graduate units participating in the CD collaborative program: Adult Education and Community Development; Counselling Psychology; Program in Planning, Public Health Sciences; and the Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work.

The objectives of the course are:

  1. to develop an appreciation of community development both as a change process and as an interdisciplinary field;
  2. to provide a broad understanding of the scope and range of activities in community development in Canada and internationally;
  3. to develop an understanding of the main traditions, theoretical debates, successful experiences, and research findings in community development;
  4. to develop an understanding of the basic skills needed to work with diverse communities;
  5. to introduce students to the research and scholarship on community development undertaken by faculty and students in the five collaborating units.

This is a non-FIFSW course.  Course enrolment is managed by the host department.